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Why isn't this common knowledge?

Over the last two years, Soros Fund Management, the firm founded by the billionaire investor and now controlled by the Open Society Foundations, has become an increasingly key player in the oldest electronic mass media: radio.

In February, the company became the largest shareholder in Audacy, the bankrupt second-largest radio company in the U.S., with more than 230 U.S. stations and a podcast arm that includes Cadence13 and Pineapple Street Studios. In 2022, Soros invested an undisclosed amount in Crooked Media, the liberal podcast network behind the ultra-popular Pod Save America. And a Soros-backed firm played a crucial role in Univision’s $60 million sale in 2022 of 18 Hispanic radio stations to a new firm run by veterans of Democratic politics. The deal, which included conservative Cuban powerhouse broadcasters in Miami, drew opposition from Republican members of Congress

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Anyone who thinks Soros, Kamala, Biden, Clinton,Obama, Klaus Schwab are good people is a disgrace to humanity.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
Because no one cares to educate themselves, they blindly believe the sheep dip they are fed by the mass media and when they are shown the truth they refuse to believe it.

This current administration and the immigration policy that they refuse to acknowledge is a catastrophic failure has to go. They want to throw more taxpayers dollars at it , when they need to be reducing the funding and securing our southern border. Stop flying them in from foreign countries stop giving known criminals temporary work visas. Stop the overrides that allow them to receive temporary government assistance for housing, food, health care etc,etc.

And they have already stated that they intend on violating the second amendment by instating a ban on ," assault rifles" The second amendment is not about our right to bear arms , it's about restricting.the government from passing any laws or regulations that would interfere with our access to firearms.
All the same ppl fast tracking this sale on behalf of their soros master
Are the same ppl who say it’s too dangerous for 1x man (Elon) to own titter..
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