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4meAndyou · F
We used to be able to walk to a carnival held in the church parking lot at our church, and we were allowed to stay out after dark to go to the carnival...but that was in a different time...😢
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@4meAndyou Yes it was. Up until the past few years this city was really good for such things. They built up the old downtown into an artsy-fartsy music & art venue for festivals throughout the year. Very popular with younger people especially the college crowd. Too bad it’s getting crapped up so badly. They have a Mayfair festival in a nearby park that has a lot of activities for children, school art displays, crafts etc. But now that park is also being polluted…people have found used needles in various places, the bathrooms have become filthy, and the police have to chase people out after dark that want to camp out there all night. Even parking your car is not safe anymore, they’ll go with a flashlight peeking into cars seeing if there’s anything to steal. Brazen enough to do it a very popular Mexican restaurant and patrons have seen them do it often. They have officers on foot patrol in this old downtown area now, they go in pairs. But we don’t have near enough to cover all these problems now.
Musicman · 61-69, M
My dad was in the Lion's Club. I still have his vest and hat.
The middle is what I carried for years before I got my first concealment pistol at 21.