Yeah I don't believe you. Men get punished all the time for remarks about women. Their jobs get taken away, their reputations destroyed, etc. There's a reason men are avoiding women in the workplace these days, because men aren't trying to catch a courtcase and lose their careers, because also often times, women will falsely accuse men of things and make up stories about them for attention on social media or attention in the work place. About making remarks btw, women will say way worse things about men in a locker room or other environments if given the chance to. Someone I was talking to the other day said he coached for a sports team for 12 year girls and that they were saying way worse things than most men they know, saying sexual things about men specifically. Besides, it's not my job to police other people and control what they do or say all because I share the same genitals as them. That doesn't make any sense. As an adult, I'm not responsible for anybody besides myself.