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Why are so many people lazy nowadays?.

CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
There's a widespread belief that if you work, you work predominantly to benefit others and not yourself. I see that being a part of the problem.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover The only pain point is that you don't have fixed workshifts - some days you're supposed to work at early mornings, sometimes the afternoons, other times the nights; you rarely have the weekends free, and you have two days to rest only once every two weeks (the other week only one day off, which generally goes for tidying the house, so it's not that you really rest). Also you'll have two contiguous weeks of paid leave (because every company has to provide those by law; and anyway they're typically given in shìtty months like February when there's less tourists), but the remaining paid leave is given either as individual days/hours, or not given at all, and compensated pecuniarily at the end of the year.

But then, it's one of those few jobs left that, once you have an indeterminate contract, you can keep until retirement, the company is partially state-funded so it won't go anywhere (unless the entire country defaults, but then even if you were in the private sector you'd be f*cked), and you can also improve your (already generous, relatively speaking) base income e.g. by selling tickets on board, or fining tourists that don't have a valid one 😅 or even you can do the bare minimum and still bring home your €1700/mo after-tax + food stamps. 🥴
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Elessar And you do it in basically any kind of weather. 😅
Elessar · 26-30, M
@CrazyMusicLover Yeah, also that, but they go out only when they have to throw the rope, for most of the time they can sit indoor just fine. I mean, there's jobs you're much more exposed (e.g. postmen, construction workers, etc)
Theyre tired of being slaves to a hamster wheel.
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
Lack of motivation, and no purpose . Think about it these past few years dealing with covid our society has not really bounced back to were our lives were before .
ShiningGundam99 · 31-35, M
@Fa8393 i know it used to be more lively before
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
@ShiningGundam99 I also feel politics have been a play with it too .
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
I could find out the reason(s) why for you, but I just can't be bothered; I'm too lazy to do it.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Maybe you're just now woke and they've ALWAYS been lazy.
AnonymousUsing · 22-25, M
pampered, greed...
Elessar · 26-30, M
Because our parents and grandparents working the same hours and less specialized and/or less intensive jobs than us used to have a purchase power several folds greater than ours, with better benefits and a lower retirement age too.
jehova · 31-35, M
The internet

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