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A follow up from my previous pride parade thread and some clarification

So like expected and as per usual, when ever you write on this subject and speak against it, people will report it and call you all the buzz words that they love to call basically anyone who is not one of them and that is things like "Nazi, Bigot, Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist" and so on.
They do that because they have no real argument against what you are saying and its their pathetic attempts to try and shut you down and silence you. When that doesnt work, they start going for the private messages and the death threats begin.

Anyway that is what happens when you speak out against a community that claims to be all inclusive and non violent and all the other bs they try claiming.
Now on the other side of this is you have other radical people on the opposite side who think because i say the things i do, means i wish harm on these people or i hate all of them and basically being what the first side claim with their buzz words but with their full support.
That is far from the truth also. I dont hate that community, not in the slightest. I hate and actively speak against certain things within that community and more so i hate the extreme activists trying to speak for them.

I dont know how many know this here, some do but i also dont write a lot about my family and friends. I have a gay older brother who is happily married, I have a Niece who recently came out as being Bisexual and one of my closest friends is transgender and guess what, I love all of them no matter how different they are from me.

To clarify what i dont like is men forcing themselves in womens athletics and private areas, I dont like people trying to dictate speech and what i hate more than anything is people involving children in any of this.
Those are the 3 things that make me speak out against this so often. Its not hate for that community as a whole like people try and claim.

So now that is cleared up, here is a follow up from that previous thread of mine and with pride month and keeping children far away.
People here tried telling me it was now all family friendly and im just being hateful and whatever.
i said i would start posting things from this month to prove that wrong, and while i am not going to post much because well im sure the reports and so on would get much worse from people that cant handle reality here but here is one clip from a Pride event that is supposedly family friendly and all ages are welcome
Lanie78 · 46-50, F
Well said 👏
Can't believe you're still getting grief for having an opinion which is both sensible and non offensive.
Pleased you're still being you here!
Lanie78 · 46-50, F
@Torsten Well you know I prefer real, no sugar coating people with their heads screwed on.
Too many are easily offended in this world especially online 🙄
Good to see you still doing you! 😁
CestManan · 46-50, F
@Lanie78 It is not about being offended, it is just that the useless noise from the anti-LGBT gets annoying, kind of like when the neighbors' dogs bark for hours on end.

Yes, I am comparing the noise to dogs barking (a sound I hate)
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CestManan too bad if you dont like it. Your feelings are insignificant on this while children are being exposed to adult perversions within the community you seek to defend
So like expected and as per usual, when ever you write on this subject and speak against it, people will report it and call you all the buzz words that they love to call basically anyone who is not one of them and that is things like "Nazi, Bigot, Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist" and so on.

some people actually have to speak out against child abusers and those who defend them

I agree. It's terrible that so many people still defend Trump even after the Epstein Files.
CestManan · 46-50, F
It is funny how the Right recycles the same propaganda over and over...
Want to change their species...
The media does get ahold of buzz words and will not let it drop. Regardless of the subject at hand.

There was this one story being circulated that REALLY aggravated the right, something about having litter boxes in classrooms to accommodate students who identified as cats. Fake of course but you can bet the "right" was probably steaming mad. 🤣

I agree. It's terrible that so many people still defend Trump even after the Epstein Files.
The only crime he has NOT committed is jaywalking. I have no sources except this - Do you think some lardo like that is going to try to walk across a busy city street? 😄
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CestManan · 46-50, F
I am LGBT. I have friends that are LGBT, and some who are not.

But the funny thing is, the people who have so many problems with LGBT tend to talk about us way more than we talk about such matters ourselves.

Me and my friends, we talk about good music, good eats, life, work, family, language stuff (yeah some of us are language nerds) but we seldom talk about LGBT matters.

And honestly at this point, everything that can be possibly said against LGBT has been said umpteen times and it is boring. No one wants to hear it anymore whether they are LGBT or not. Not even offensive, but boring.

And about that video and others like it, if you see something on the web, because of AI, you do not know if it is a deep fake whether you want to think it is or isn't.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@CestManan haha you really trying to claim the videos are AI?

this is why so many have issue with that community, none of you call out the disgusting perversions inflicted on kids by those in your community, instead you make the lamest excuses
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Torsten · 36-40, M
@Imsleepy 100% true and it seems people are waking up to this lunacy more and more now and not putting up with it. Society is slowing heading back down the right path it would seem

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