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Why Do People Still Believe the Myth of the Gender Wage Gap?

It isn't real. Average differences in salary between men in contrast to women are largely due to one over-riding factor: choice.
Men have different interests, due to the fact they're not like women. Men like things, women like people. Men gravitate to objects like cars, trains, planes and things that go BOOM! Women like to talk, gossip, socialise, and hence they'll wind up in careers in nursing, psychology and teaching. Men are far more analytical, and will gravitate to the (highly sought-after, and therefore highly-paid) STEM positions, and end up becoming a data analyst, statistician, or invent something that they can sell to Elon Musk.
Men have greater ambition, work longer hours, are far more willing to sacrifice their leisure time with family in order to make it to the top of the corporate ladder. Women take far more holidays, sick leave, and are FAR more likely to opt to work part-time rather than full-time.
It really is this simple. "Discrimination" has NOTHING to do with it!
I mean, come on, think about this. If it were true that women got, let's say, 77 cents for every dollar earned by a man to do the exact same job, don't you think employers would do all they could to get away with hiring only women?
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Torsten · 36-40, M
because some women want to feel oppressed and just ignore the evidence that proves they're not oppressed
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Torsten I doubt it's limited to females. There's a whole generation of lazy do nothing know nothing grumblers and gripey gerber babys.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SteelHands yeah where people of that generation want to be victims. Its rather pathetic
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Torsten Government staffed schools and goverment subsidized college these days (almost all of them now including Harvard) are led by people who think that way also.

Probably raised by drug addicted parents.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@SteelHands yeah teachers and professors these days are absolutely useless and just force nonsense on children and they grow up actually believe this type of shit.
The facts are very hard to ignore when it comes to this made up wage gap yet they still someone pretend like facts are on their side and women are oppressed and men are privileged.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
@Torsten There was never any serious research if widespread long term contraceptive pill use might modify a female's mind, or by extension, the female part of society and their offspring.

I'll take this moment to thank science and big pharma for a major portion of western civilization under the age of 50 having a permanent cranky pregnant women demeanor.
PatKirby · M

Playing the victim can be a powerful position of impunity. As long as you claim victimhood you get forever: sympathy, attention and freebies. No one can touch you lest they be attacked. And you don't have to do anything but play the part and people believe you.

There is no incentive to stop being a victim by fixing the problem, moving on in life, and becoming a "survivor." That would mean no more sympathy, freebies or attention. Victim hood is the foundation of the entire Victim Industrial Complex that continues to draft self-professed victims into the Oppression Olympics...

FormerAtheist · 26-30
@PatKirby Exactly! The whole thing is just one giant scam!
Torsten · 36-40, M
@PatKirby except people with a shred of intelligence are wise to that crap and playing victim wont get you far in the real world, not with that type of mentality. Online and a few situations in real life, sure you could benefit from it but outside of that, they just come off as a complete joke and they take attention away from people who actually need it.
I have no respect for people like that nor the same for people who try to make victims out of others.
A few certain people who commented in this thread are prime examples of that
PatKirby · M

Yes, that belittles those legitimate victims who genuinely require help and assistance, lessening their importance. Crying wolf too many times has consequences.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@PatKirby yep thats it but people who play victim, dont give a shit about anyone but themselves so that wont bother them
PatKirby · M

Yep, it's a double-scam of a flim-flam shim-sham!
PatKirby · M

Sounds like the show masters in the DNC and Demonic Party who've perfected it to a modern art form, while bait & switching their promises to their loyal constituents - then abandoning them as usual. Just another day at the office for them.