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Equal Opportunity or Equal Equity?

Poll - Total Votes: 12
Equal Opportunity
Equal Equity
Something else
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equal opportunity focuses on ensuring that everyone has the same chances to succeed. It is based on the idea that people should be judged on their individual merit and effort, not on factors beyond their control.

Equal equity, on the other hand, means that everyone has the same level of access to resources and opportunities, and that society should strive to reduce or eliminate disparities in outcomes and outcomes-based access. equal equity seeks to address systemic or historical inequalities that have created unfair advantages or disadvantages for certain groups.

While both concepts aim to promote fairness and justice, they have different approaches and emphasize different goals.

My question is which do you believe would solve more of the issues in the world today?
BlueVeins · 22-25
Equal opportunity generally requires equal access to resources bc resources provide people with opportunity.
Equal equity, hands down. Equal opportunity is a utopian concept which has never been fully constructed. Equal equity on the other hand is the foundation by which nations are fostered. Throwing away the foundations for idealism is what leads nations down the slippery slope to tyranny. Equal opportunity is no different. Unless every single individual pulled their fair share of the weight, equal opportunity systems will always be seized by opportunists. Not one nation in recorded history has pulled off the idea of equal opportunity, equal equity on the other hand has fostered virtually every modern industrialized nation on the planet.
Equal opportunity. Once the people who work and produce realize the people who don't work or produce have the same outcome, the system collapses.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
I think for a long time prejudism made access to to jobs and liberties unfairly unequal and to correct this we need equal equity rules. but I think equal equity rules are like training weels for society, once we've given up our old prejudism they will become obsolete and childish and equal oportunity will be the rule. of course equal equity is stupid, but its a necessary stupid until we drop the prejudism and without these temporary training weels society would drift back to oportunities limited by racism and sexism .
Arorin · M
Nothing will solve most the issues in this world today, because we are born into a world we didnt ask for and forced to follow a set of rules we had no part in. People who are long dead now have already set the rules for what they want on everyone else.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Equal Opportunity is the way to go..Remove barriers to entry. (Like massive educational costs had lot the poor out of education).. Having said that, they have to be a minimum equity for all, to keep health, education and housing in the reach of everyone..😷
people must have hope to maintain social order, so they must believe in equality and a brighter future

people should be supported in their positive illusions through mass media hypnosis

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