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Mary1 · 51-55, F
A good one I hope.
Mary1 · 51-55, F
@StanleyStark Changed my mind on what Mr Stark.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Mary1 Hang on, don't play me Miss Mary. Did you or did you not, tell me 10 hours ago that you were not posting on SW because, you were being harassed? Did I not say who I thought this might be? Did I not email you with this information darlin?
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
You are the moderator of your sub PERSONA, the person uses it. You can ban this miscreant individual.

Often told I seem mysterious. Cause I tend to be quiet
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@SW-User That's cool darlin, ;-)
MrEagle · 41-45, M
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@MrEagle I DON'T BELIEVE IT. ;-)
It's funny ...some think I'm this quiet and shy person who is afraid to speak their mind ..muhaaha little do they know ..I'm the opposite...I'm quiet and quite reserved most of the time ...but if i have something to say ...I'm saying it
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@SW-User And why not indeed?
Babies tend to cry and adults tend to leave.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Roundandroundwego Don't all babies cry dude? Hey! Maybe the adults can't coup with the babies crying. Loq. Of course, this is all guess work on my part, ;-)
@StanleyStark when they meet someone new, babies over 8 months don't like it. They warm up slowly. In my case the early reaction is often really loud and two days later they're reaching for me from other people's arms - and they're ready to become fiercely attached.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Roundandroundwego I suspect (not an expert) its their primitive reaction to danger.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
Very tall and blonde.A temptress.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@tallpowerhouseblonde WOW! I'm impressed darlin, loq.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
@StanleyStark Aw thank you.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@tallpowerhouseblonde My pleasure darlin, :-) You take care, its a jungle out there.
WonderGirl · 36-40
Mysterious. I was told I'm a surprise.
WonderGirl · 36-40
@WonderGirl I took that as a compliment. 🤗
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@WonderGirl Well, I think that could be taken several ways darlin. BUT! lets go with the compliment, :-)
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
I’m stupid .. i stutter a lot..
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@SW-User They are two differant things dude. Work on one first, can I suggest the stutter?
Fairydust · F
Friendly, smiley 😊
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Fairydust Aw! Yeah, I like that
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@MsSwan Like playing it say eh?
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Iwillwait · M
Probably, not a favourable one.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Iwillwait Is that appeasing? I'll stop doing it them.
Iwillwait · M
@StanleyStark Well.. Let's see. I will be accepted and liked provided I fit the Mould they deem as "Acceptable/Pallet able," Themselves.

Is it Appeasing if I make changes in my personal self to be accepted by "Other?" You're a smart guy, and have lots of quick opinions and what not, what say you!?
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Iwillwait I look at it this way, folks are entitled to their own opinions about me, on here or, IN REAL FACE TO FACE LIFE. :-) I know WHO I AM, all the opinions in the whole wild world is not going to change that. loq.
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@FreeSpirit1 Lots of folks LIKE ODDBALLS darlin. ;-_
Stay away kinds. Always.

You need to remember usernames instead of using your own addressals.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Lyfis2live It wasn't really meant to be funny dude. Did my comment offend you in any way? I reacted (in comment) to your answer as, I understood it.

You need to remember usernames instead of using your own addressals.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Lyfis2live That's cool darlin. Loq.
My natural born charisma overwhelms most, this and my charm as a fine bred English Gentleman.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@SW-User That's cool dude, are we on the same page? loq.
@StanleyStark Yes, the ancient British custom of Avinalarf.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@SW-User Ya can't beat 'avin a larf, can ya?
sciguy18 · M
I was told I come across as intimidating.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@sciguy18 I hope ya told them where TO GET ORF darlin.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@sree251 You're just saying that aren't ya darlin? loq.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@StanleyStark You can't say "darlin" to a guy. Men don't like that. Women don't like that either.

What's your sexual orientation, by the way? I don't want to offend you and need to be politically correct in a public space. You are giving off the impression that you are you know what.
JustNik · 51-55, F
That depends entirely on the circumstances and the vibe they give me. I’ve heard warm, accessible, friendly, funny, cold, aloof, snobby, and shy. 😂 Granted, part of that is also what the other person wanted to see.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i am sure i am intimidating. and no nonsense
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@akindheart I say, little but mighty. I'll put you in my little RED BOOK then darlin, loq.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@StanleyStark i guess red it better than the black book.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@akindheart It sure is darlin, loq.
calicuz · 51-55, M
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@calicuz I like friendly, nice one.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@sree251 LMAO. Its either dude or darlin with me. I get it right SOMETIMES, loq.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@StanleyStark Keep it "dude" every time. It's safer and clean as real men are. "darlin" creeps people out. It's has the stink of unclean sex.
It depends on the setting the day the motivations , I don't behave one specific way with others
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@PepsiColaP So, if its raining that could possible effect how you react with others?
astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
Nice and tender but also weird and funny and goofy
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@astrosandorbits Not a bad combination dude. KEEP IT UP.
astrosandorbits · 26-30, M
@StanleyStark aw thank you so much dude!
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@astrosandorbits My pleasure dude.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
People think I'm either a pissed off cop or retired military officer. (I'm neither.)
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Crazywaterspring Wow! Aren't you impressed with that dude? loq.
Mirage · F
There's no way a definitive answer can be given. Each one has their own perception.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Mirage I'll go along with that darlin.
Rizz2k23 · 22-25, M
It all depends I guess. I don’t always behave/ look the same.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Rizz2k23 YEAH! we all have our bad days don't we dude?
Rizz2k23 · 22-25, M
@StanleyStark it’s more about the kind of person. I wouldn’t talk to my boss (if I had one) the same as my friends
Morvoren · F
Small gobby blonde. Or if they’re a fan of Simon Peggs films, Hot Fuzz.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Morvoren Small gobby blonde eh? Have ya heard that Stanley? I SURE DID, ;-) I think, we'd better keep our distance then, loq.
Torsten · 36-40, M
hmm i honestly couldnt say
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Torsten Hey! That's cool dude, just play it cool. That's a bit like playing it BY EAR, loq.
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
a bad one, ive been told afew times....
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@AllelujahHaptism So! Who calls you a Baden then? I bet its ya mum isn't it? Loq. How many times last week did she ask you to MAKE YOUR BED dude? ;-(
GunFinger · F
Horny. Fortunately first impressions DON'T last.👀
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Now, here is a guy who is going places.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@BrewCityBarfly I don't believe you, ;-;)
@StanleyStark I'm kind of a big guy, with a dry sense of humor, and some have told me they found me scary when they first met me.
CactusJackManson · 46-50, M
Sissy wimp
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@WaryWitchWandering Ya got me on the Emoji darlin.
Bang5luts · M
I feel I might need some help answering this one.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@Bang5luts LMAO, that's cool dude.
People dont like me
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@V00doo Oh dear.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@V00doo @V00doo First impressions, THAT'S TRUE.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@V00doo Say's WHO?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
That i'm too cool for school
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
HannahSky · F
@MartinTheFirst wtf is he talking about?
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@MartinTheFirst Never mind dude, just let6 it PASS OVER YA, loq.
DDonde · 31-35, M
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@DDonde You play it cool then? Loq. I like that. Make a not of that Stanley, THEY PLAY IT COOL. ;-)
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
A good one, I smile a lot and I am friendly.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@StanleyStark I smile because I have a nice one and people are in a better mood when I do.
StanleyStark · 80-89, M
@iamonfire696 Never a truer word was spoken of SW. You certainly have a delicious smile darlin. ;-)
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@StanleyStark thank you 💖

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