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What shall it profit a man

[b]if he Resets the whole world,

[c=BF0000]and loses his soul[/c][/b]
ArishMell · 70-79, M
You mean one person could "reset" (whatever that means) the whole world?

(I know Vladimir Putin has apparently thinks he can, using the vague phrase "new world order" as that can mean anything you like - not sure if anyone else is really that vain.)

Still, probably has no soul to lose anyway...
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF Oh him. Your Great Ogre you think wants to Rule The World. Well, I do know he is no "amateur blogger" but I really do not think he has anything like the power you believe he has, or might like.

King Charles, as Head of State [i]not[/i] Government, of a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary government, may have no more influence than Herr Schwab, but at least he is a Head of State.

Schwab and his fellows on whom you pour such vitriolic scorn, are really no more than political and economic theoreticians who may have pretentious dreams and are anyway entitled to air their views despite you not liking them. However, some sort of world-wide uni-power as you imagine they dream of, would need co-operation and collusion never hitherto seen, and less and less possible, in a world as fractured and fractious as it is.

Attempts to impose any such global omnipotency would most likely fail by deepening the divisions, not healing them; as its ill-matched factions squabble over each wanting its own economy and way of life to triumph. People may like or hate their national governments but if you as some foreign body try to tell them how to live, most of them will soon tell you to go away. They are not isolationists necessarily; they may want to be friends or they may despise you and yours, but it's still their land, not yours.

Hence it fails even at much smaller scales. Politico/economic [i]blocs[/i] like the EU, military treaties like NATO and social organisations like the UN (whom you seem particularly to despise), try to persuade everyone to live and work together in some sort of harmony. They are though, still human constructions so flawed and fragile, and do not make much headway against other human constructions determined to oppose them.

If the sort of vanity and desire for power you accuse your handful of ogres of having, are human weaknesses, then perhaps oddly, those weaknesses are the best (or least worst) defence against them; simply by rivalry.

Anyway, has anyone genuinely proposed in all seriousness any sort of realistic "world government" as you seem to imply is proposed? Or are you just misjudging attempts to improve collaboration and co-operation between nations?


Meanwhile, whatever the cause ultimately proves to be, and for however long and deeply, the climate is changing and far fewer deny that than they did ten years ago. Also, SARS_Covid_19 is real, still putting people in hospital, even killing some; and whatever its real origin was, it won't be the last pandemic. Mankind has forgotten itself is part of Nature, not her master as it once thought in vanity; and if bitten, Nature bites back. Hard. And our only defences against being bitten can only work by national and international agreement and co-operation - proper forms though, not the dystopian-novel forms you imagine.
WalterF · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Again I say, let's reconvene to check the situation in a year's time.

Nothing would please me more than that you are right. But I'm afraid your comparative optimism is doomed.

But we'll just wait and see.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@WalterF I am not entirely sure exactly what it is you fear, but the world does seem increasingly unstable. Not because of of international organisations like the UN and its agencies, but because of the things they try to avoid happening, or try too defend against. They might not always be very effective but their lack would be far, far worse.
InHeaven · F
He doesn’t care about his soul 🤷‍♀️
WalterF · 70-79, M
@InHeaven That's the sheer tragedy of the man. Big, bloated, godlike plans for humanity, plans that he has spent his whole life working on - but all that will end in a year or two.

And God will honour his choice. A godless existence on earth; a godless, solitary eternal existence for his soul.

Poor wretch.

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