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Stop Having So Many Kids

The World is already overpopulated.. if everyone has one kid the population will half within our life span, two then the population stays the same anymore than that it increases.

Eight billion is more than enough especially when it comes to creatures like us who consume and waste on a scale far beyond any living creature.

Inspired by a veganism post and David Attenborough
I can't believe that no one has pointed to China's one child policy (and it's failure).

This is a brief summery of China's policy. It wasn't pretty.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Misanthropic But you cant ignore the human dynamics, that's what china did, its not just math
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst I just need to correct myself again Japan does not have a limit to children you can have aparrently.. what the fuck I'm sure I saw this on a David Attenborough documentary?!

Either way Japan's population has remained pretty much the same for the last twenty five years.
revenant · F
@Misanthropic and Japan is happy with it. Japan does not want to lose its identity and follow the West. Japan will accept immigrants but not many and those will primarily come from other asian countries.6
Idk in the past people used to have large families now that's rather rare, from 1 to 3 kids
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@notyouraveragedummy So your friend presumably from your generation had two kids and your kids are in their 50s which means at the very least you are in your late 60s or early 70s. Between your children and your friends there are six children so that averages at 2 people based on yourself and your friend.

I don't understand the relevancy, for instance if you said you know 50 adult people and the average of the amount of kids they have had is 2 or less that might hold a little weight.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Misanthropic We are 4 siblings in my family and so far only 2 of us have a partner and only one of us have a child 😳
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Misanthropic Well it's too quick to take statistics really, due to our modern medical developments people's life spans are increasing which will contribute a lot to population growth. We might see a large increase due to it that will settle out over time.

More than half (56%) of the increase of the UK population between 1991 and 2018 was due to the direct contribution of net migration
And that is from UK's 0.4% on average population growth
Jewels02 · 22-25, F
What an idiot
revenant · F
It is always the usual suspects who
1. are told they do not produce enough kids therefore unbridled immigration
2. are told there are too many kids on the planet and are told to stop reproducing ?

Which is which ?
@revenant do you think it's people's fault if they have twins? I mean most of the parents think about having one girl and one boy. But recently I have realised that it's becoming to expensive for middle class people to afford having more than one kid. Many people struggle to even get married.
revenant · F
@revenant good girl 😎
Not to worry people. Nature has a way of "adjusting". Sooner or later, there will come a pandemic for which vaccine can't be found in time, like the black plague or the flu pandemic following WWI.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@BizSuitStacy I'm not a vegan this post is my counter argument to veganism
ihurtmychin · 26-30, M
dont worry all it takes is another global war and we'll be 4 billions and you'll have planny of space to squat and take a turd in the open
Wales · M
It should read, 'Stop having kids'. There is an activist organization with that name. Your post reminded me of the antinatalist David Benatar. Once people get started reproducing themselves they convince themselves it's a good thing and keep going. I have noticed they tend to live in their own little world as if no one exists outside the family there was no need to create in the first place. They were only thinking of themselves and what they want.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
Not trying to start anything either way, but can it be assumed that you are either pro-abortion or pro-abstinence/pro-birth control?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@IM5688 I'm pro choice yes, not really pro abstinence but yes to birth control. I don't really believe it should be legally enforced to limit how many children a person can have but I think that is noble for those who choose to limit how many kids they have.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
This planet existed loooong before the Talking Monkeys did.

Life forms by the millions have come and gone without so much as a "By your leave?" from the Talking Monkeys.

This planet will be here looooong time after the Talking Monkeys.
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M

I am not supposed to be here.
I was an "oops". Unexpected. Unwanted. A surprise. To be given away. A gift.

But I still remain.
Misread from day one.
Underestimated from the start.
Never taken into account when calculating the conclusion.

I am more, incredibly more than I was yesterday. Or the day before or the day before...

Tomorrow isn't for me.
I never was MEANT to be.

According to 2 people.
Neither one of them being you.
I look at my life from an "Unexpected" point of view.
maiohy · 18-21, F
Well if you believe your life is mumbo-jumbo like that@PoeticPlay
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
You just refuse to not be wrong.

My life is UNbelievable.

Just like those two Dr. Suess words that you just flopped down right there.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
We're running out of people.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
🤷🏻‍♀️ Even with the overpopulation point, it’s highly unlikely people who want kids will choose to deprive themselves of that. I do wish people who don’t want children and people who want children, but have no plans to effectively provide/care for them would stop procreating.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Start by getting yourself neutered. We don't need any of your kids running around. I think we can all agree on that move. Once it's completed, come back and continue your silly rant.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@carpediem Eat a dick.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Misanthropic LMAO what a dweeb
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So you believe the UN for what reason again? The human population is dropping like a stone at the moment. We are way below replacement then there is the big die off because of the jabs.
Viper · M
I don't think it's always that planned out...

Also, it didn't work so well for China when they forced it...

But humans are going to over populate the planet no matter what, unless it's destroyed.
Thodsis · 51-55, M
We could have a child offsetting program that could permit those who don't want kids to donate their allowance to those who do.
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@Thodsis Why on Earth would somebody who thinks the planet is overpopulated donate money for people to further overpopulate the planet?
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@Misanthropic I've no idea. That doesn't sound great.

However, if 'allowance' is not thought of pocket money from parents and instead is thought of as permission to reproduce then it might make more sense.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
It's not your place to tell me what to do with my life @ david attenborough and anyone who agrees with this statement
revenant · F
Which countries produce the most kids and which are the ones who are in deficit ?
maiohy · 18-21, F
China tried that and now they’re in trouble. Load of rubbish
Demographic cliff. Aging population.
LemonWorld · F
Nah I want 6 kids
okay, np 😌
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Why do you think it's overpopulated?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@MartinTheFirst You could be right there about the 7 billion species of animals it was a rather uninformed statement about the wide majority of animals to be honest 7 billion species sounds like a lot that makes me think you are counting various bacteria, insects, plants etc. Even then it sounds iffy so I'll have to look that up..

How do we measure that on the World? There are various scientists that study our impact on the environment our impact on the planet and the ecosystem is a big topic right now. This was more of a post in response to vegan preaching as a joke but of course I believe we are having a negative impact on the planet.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Misanthropic Well I have no idea about how they got that number, i just did a 10 second google haha. It attributed about 2.7 billion species to aquatic life. Us humans have definitely not found that many species, so I would think that they did statistical analysis on how many species there should be, since we know that there's a shit ton we have not discovered yet, for example the Amazon jungle or whatever it's called, if I remember correctly, we have barely even touched when it comes to identifying species.

Yeah but this area of study is still in its infancy stage, people only recently started to care about it for real about 5-10 years ago and maybe most who can make a change don't even care yet. They call it "greenwashing", it's the new popular thing to do in the industry. Not because it's good for the environment, but because they notice that consumers care so they generate more income that way.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Misanthropic Personally the entire environmentalist thing just makes me feel sick. We clearly do not have enough data. Scientists methods of measuring our effect on the environment is debatable. People are extremely biased and most have an agenda that makes them untrustworthy... For example the stupid ass eco packaging that the industry is pushing on us that is good for nothing, where it turns out that creating paper packaging is worse for the environment than using plastic, and a freaking world power banning PLASTIC STRAWS!!! to feel a bit good about themselves, ultimately having 0 real world effect other than ruining my milkshake.

I prefer just living a normal life and not doing anything that hurts the environment beyond what is necessary and feel good with that.
The vatican pays for families to reproduce. They get paid per kid.

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