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Have you ever had to stop yourself from telling others how lucky they are to have what they have?

When people seem unhappy or disappointed with what they have.... do you ever wish you could tell it like you see it because so many would love to have what another has and doesn't seem to want?
So many unwanted things in this world..items, relationships, lives, etc...
Iwillwait · M Best Comment
I usually will try and interject that observation in my encouragement, if they're open to that at that time. Sometimes people just want to be heard and spew the issues out, and then I'll just listen. Eventually at another time, I will remind them of their fortunate reality.

InHeaven · F
Ya. I had a girlfriend millionaire she lived in a multimillion apartment in the heart of Manhattan.... and COMPLAINED, I didn’t say anything but was shocked to hear that
@InHeaven "I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love."

InHeaven · F
I don’t care about money at all@PhoenixPhail Jesus says to give everything away and take your cross. She was my friend for twenty years... I miss her.
InHeaven · F
...she is still my Facebook friend...@PhoenixPhail I don’t care about money and will rather eat dirt than take the mark of the beast
btchstfu · F
oh yes. but the at the same time, i feel like i'd understand why they would hate me for saying that bc ive had ppl said that to me many times, and they just assumed that im not being grateful w my life when they dont know the whole story behind it
But they aren't happy about something else so I'd feel patronizing if I told them that, ofc I can tell them certain things I admire but not as being lucky, sounds inappropriate
Piper · 61-69, F
Yes, there have been times. What stops me, is remembering how it felt when someone has said something like that to me when I was worried, stressed about something, or grieving.
Shytoshow · 56-60, M
I will hold my tongue unless the person is so oblivious 2wat he or she has then just straight up tell them
Miram · 31-35, F
It is cuntty to do so but I have thought about it when it comes to my spoiled sister
HikingMan · 51-55, M
I always say what I think and feel.
Even when I probably shouldn't.
Oster1 · M
I may be a little diferent. I come from a multigenerational and successful business family. I never, ever wanted material things. Yeah, I have had pretty much, everything. I never really enjoyed anything, I had.

I do love the simple things in life. It used to perplex friends, in my life.

They just, never understood.
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@SW-User When you start labeling others.... it starts with you!
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Isn't that the time to say to yourself, you also, don't live their lives?
No because the people that have everything are always bragging about it.
bugeye · 26-30, F
i'm not saying that people who are well off don't have problems or that they don't have a right to be upset but it's just that it feels like there are bigger problems or it could be a whole lot worse or just simply they already have the means to fix/cope with it that someone else with the same problem won't.
Iwillwait · M
Thank you for BC.
@Iwillwait You're welcome. :)
Redstar · 36-40, M
No, because that would be like saying their feelings are wrong. They don't have to want something just because other people do. It's unfortunate that they're the ones who got it, it's not lucky for them. But life is not fair.
DDonde · 31-35, M
I tend to avoid telling people the full details of my life because I don't want people to tell me how lucky I have it. I know how lucky I have it, even if things aren't how I want them to be.
Azlotto · M
No. I would never do or think of that.
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