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BananaBrown · 41-45, F
I agree that we’re at an impasse. I don’t know how we’re ever going to accomplish anything bipartisan. Too many extremists on both sides of the aisle.
Notsimilar · 31-35, F
So many false statements, too many to even argue... lol
BlueVeins · 22-25
[quote]Which logically, there actually is no vaccine at this point. It’s all just human Guinea pig trial and error.

With a virus that morphs into some other crazy shit as soon as 19 different pharmaceutical companies are done pretending they have perfected a biological safety precaution for version 1.0 of the virus, but the virus is busy updating itself to version 2.9[/quote]

I've got a few things to say about this. The characterization of the vaccines as a human guinea pig trial seems really strange considering that they went through all the normal stages of animal and human experimentation mandated by the FDA before being released to the general public. The vaccines had been in use for over a year as of the writing of your post; we had solid results showing that they were safe and reduced the rate of COVID-19 infection.

[quote]I’m sorry but on a logical scale, if you have to walk into a facility and pick your covid vaccine on “variants” A - Z and just hope that you picking C means it will work, that’s not a vaccine. Need a tetanus shot? They have that. It’s one shot. There’s not 19 different ones because there’s just one that’s scientifically proven to work. Same with polio etc.[/quote]

Since when do you have to do that? The vaccine I was administered back in May is effective against the Delta variant. It's probably not as effective as it is against Alpha, but it still works. And have you ever gotten a flu shot? The reason why you need them every year is because influenza is continually evolving to circumvent existing vaccines.

[quote]Another funny hypocritical thing I’ve seen is people who for years who have talked against concepts like big pharma, trying to impose their “pseudo” intelligence on sites such as this one and Reddit etc.. Seem to be the first lined up to get stuck in the arm with a fucking shot. So big pharma is a conspiracy, keeping people down etc.. but now you you’re 100% on board with a vaccine? And don’t believe in any of the other people saying this is a conspiracy? You fight them and call them crazy etc. yet you accepted the big pharma being a problem before in your political rants about economics and health care affecting society.[/quote]

That's by no means a contradiction. We haven't been mad about the scientists and doctors that work on medications, it's the profiteering businesspeople and stockholders exploiting their work. I used ear antibiotics a few weeks ago when I got an infection. It's perfectly effective and safe; the manufacturer has no reason to release a product that's gonna hurt me, and limited ability to even do so given the FDA's influence. My issue is the fucking price tag on it, it costed me like $60 but I bought it anyway because I was desperate.

[quote]First of all it’s mostly a political ideology kind of a thing. People on this ironic “liberal” left side. Liberal if you don’t know by definition, means that you’re favorable to ones individual rights and freedoms. Who often take a your body your choice on stands such as abortion. Suddenly believing vaccinations should be mandated and what should be put into their body shouldn’t be their choice at all??? Like okay. If this is you, and if you bothered to read through all this shit, you would know if it’s you. You are a fucking hypocrite.[/quote]

That's a bad comparison because vaccination status impacts other people. I don't agree with hard mandates (I think it should be vax or test), but I do kinda think that my right to life outweighs other people's right to refuse to get vaccinated. Transmission rates are higher among the unvaccinated, meaning that their choice affects other people.

I respect you, but I think you've gone down a wrongheaded path. I wanted to reach out to you on this since I read it, but didn't have the time to go back. Hope you're ok buddy
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
This is the dumbest, most uninformed piece of misinformation I have EVER read.

1. It seems you have zero idea of how he vaccine works, is administered, and applied by the human body after it is injected.

2. It seems you have zero idea what "big pharma" is or why even you think it's bad.

3. Your ruse to capture attention is a joke. Although, for those of us who take the time to read it, the joke quickly turns acidic and rancid.

4. It sounds like you are promoting apathy, not because you think you have found the cure-all for perpetual happiness but because you have sunk to the lowest point there is where misery craves company.

5. You're the biggest ass of them all.

Cheers, mate.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@MarkPaul as if yours isn’t? No you are a troll. That’s a blatant lie. And you certainly behave like a freak with a pedophile fetish for politicians.

And what you have isn’t “insight” you tell other people they’re rambling when you’re perhaps the biggest rambler here. 🤷‍♀️

👀 and then you act as if you’re withholding such sage wisdoms from everyone like they’re missing out without you’re shitty thoughts. 🤨 That’s called giving them peace and quiet from an freak like you.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@AuRevoir In your haste to hurl insults, you might find favour if you look up the word pedophile. You obviously have no idea what it means. Do you even have a proper education?

My comments are well thought out and I at least extend respect to people, unlike you. I'm sorry I couldn't endorse your whining that you label a rant. You're just one more self-entitled and frustrated cog who can't stand he's not a cut above everyone else and is forced to confront that fact for the first time in your life.

Try doing something with your life and behaviour instead of trying to cut down others to your size and station and you just might start feeling better about yourself.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@MarkPaul It ain’t haste. You act like a pedo, therefore you’re a pedo in my minds eye. I’ve never seen someone fetishize politicians so much by calling them baby so much over and over again. 🙄 I get that it’s your fantasy but if you expect that posting that shit 1 billion times makes you not pedo like in any way shape or form. It’d be like a lesbian going around posting flirty lesbian memes must mean she’s straight. 🤷‍♀️

Anyways I don’t have time to read beyond the first paragraph. Too busy. Ain’t worth the extra 7 seconds of time. You want to defend yourself because you’re such a creep. 👀 but no ones buying. Particularly not me.

And I really don’t feel like having you read this shit either. This will just be my vent within a vent.

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