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There’s no live and let live anymore is there?

It’s all so binary now. People are constantly trying to decide if you’re for or against them. And if the water is ever so slightly foggy, they assume you’re an adversary.

Vote the way I vote. Believe what I believe. Or you’re an undesirable.

Well, I’ll accept you for what you are, until you try to push me to be you.
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
if you don't agree with me
1) there is something wrong with you
2) you don't understand
3) you are evil

or a combination of all three - yeah, people are getting crazy out there.
Bluewood · 51-55, M
I would go so far as to even say society has changed a bit in the way people interact with each other. There seems to be a loss of a genuine interest in people just talking about stuff with an open mind and the possibility of maybe learning something new or maybe gaining a new perspective. Aside from the political element that seems to be in every conversation today, most people I think are short term conversationalists. That’s why text is so prevalent today. We wait patiently without really listening just to get our point out and across. And if we don’t agree with someone we dismiss them. Even if they are incorrect on just one thing it means they must be incorrect on everything. We surround ourselves with like minded individuals and people who agree with us, circling our wagons further reinforcing our bias. We live in bubbles. IDK if there’s some sinister conspiratorial design at play by ‘the powers that be’. They’re forcing us to choose camps and to unacknowledge truths and debate facts. Crazy times we’re living in
That certainly seems the direction
So so sad too
Miram · 31-35, F
There are certain things that do require a binary but most don't.

Assuming a binary ends up creating one.
Push you to be me? Hmph, you wish you was as interesting as me lol
ur only a ...

LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
I'm pretty sure it all started in 2008, when we elected a melanin enhanced president. Suddenly, it became quite apparent that a lot more people in this country hate people based on the amount of melanin in their skin than anyone realized. And of course, the people who hate other people based on the amount of melanin in their skin were angry at being outed, so they started getting even more unpleasant, and a lot of young people who had never dealt with that level of hatred mistakenly assumed the way to deal with it was with more hatred.
Bluewood · 51-55, M
I think it’s always been there but it was kinda hidden underneath our subculture. What current politics has done is unearthed it. I think It was an inevitable point to reach in our history. We see our traditional image of America as primarily a place of Anglo Saxon control with the other ‘races’ acting in more of a supporting role historically and that is all now changing as our image of what it means to be American is evolving . That makes a lot of people feel uneasy and uncertain. Hence the wide appeal of the MAGA campaign. But what most fail to realize is that it is The Banks and Multinationals that still have ultimate control. The media plays on our insecurities and it creates headlines for them. @LordShadowfire

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