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you all ever watch those reaction videos on YouTube

like a couple of young black guys reacting to a video of Judas Priest

fast forward to 2:30 to get past them jacking their jaws. this shit is hilarious.

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Gibbon · 70-79, M
I have watched many reaction videos. Especially focusing on the monster songs of the mid to late 60s and early 70s. I found it very difficult to believe they had never heard the songs before doing the reaction video. It just didn't seem possible someone never heard Light my Fire or Rare Earths awesome version of Get Ready. Give me a break.
MissNen · 61-69, F
@Gibbon Possibly but how about those same two fairly young black guys listening to Black Sabbath? That I do believe. Not only that but loving the band for the riffs and Bill Wards drum fills.. There's a difference hearing a song and listening to a song
MissNen · 61-69, F
I'm serious join their channel they have all their reactions characterized. They did a good bit of them. They headbang to them.
BuzzedLightyear · 61-69
@MissNen the other night i couldn't get enough of these people reacting to Supertramp
MissNen · 61-69, F
Yeah I like these guys. Ever seen them react to Black Sabbath? They love Sabbath
@MissNen me too 😀
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Actually, no. I have zero interest in someone's "reaction" to 2112 or Pet Sounds or some other thing they've likely heard before. Zero.

Sorry, I don't buy it. Fake, fake, fake
MissNen · 61-69, F
Their black Sabbath reactions are hilarious


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