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There is nothing more irritating than a youtuber that spends ten minutes yapping about a sponsor, for a video that only lasts fifteen minutes,

dude, I pay for premium TO SKIP ADS 🙄
I’m resolved to never buy anything from any company whose ads I encounter. 😬
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Sponsors are hard to get and even harder to keep
@MarineBob The reason why more and more youtubers have gone to patreon and sponsorship is because google has made it more difficult to qualify for ad revenue monetization, hell, even a long time original channel, seemingly simple innocent appearing, that was just one guy that found sudden overnight popularity with his Mean Kitty song, when one day he uploaded a video saying youtube, without warning or explanation, cut off ALL of his ad revenue monetization. Corey never had a violent video, never talked politically or religiously, all he talked about was his cats Sparta (Mean Kitty) and Loki, as well as his wife and kids and things and adventures they had, nothing controversial. He had about 15 million subscribers and made serious bucks from those 15 second ads that youtube selected by random, usually pet and family related things. Lat week, Hickock45 uploaded a video saying that google has now stripped ALL content creators that have gun maker, distributors/online sellers, and ammunion makers, as sponsors, without warning or explanation why. His firearms videos is by far one of youtube's top educational and safety channels.

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