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I'm really upset at my friend.

I recently bought something cool and so my friend decided to buy the sane thing the only problem is I want to be the only one with the item to show off.

If he brings it to school, I'm gonna sever ties with him.
You know... This is exactly why I have children blocked - I don't have the ability to understand that, for some children, the biggest thing they have to worry about is another child wearing or owning the same item as them.
That's really kind of a lame reason to end a friendship 🫤
If anything you should be flattered that they liked what you liked
craig7 · 70-79, M
"Sever ties with him"? I've severed ties with people over the years too,but only over big stuff - what you mention is in no way worth falling out with someone for.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
What an emotionally needy thing to end a friendship over. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Boys aren't shown how to be good, strong men anymore...
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Get a personality, that way no one else can buy it.
Tobasco · 31-35, F
What a fucking cry baby
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erghh...irksome to the nth degree
Are you sure you're over 18?
Seriously, you’d end a friendship over that ? 🥺

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