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I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds

I think having the option to delete stories and comments we post or comments that others post to our stories would be great! I also think it'd be nice if when we block someone that their comments not stay on our stories(even if we cannot no longer see I don't think it should stay on our personal stories). Sometimes it is nice to avoid negativity. Thanks for the new site SW!
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Darci ·
SoulAsylum - There is a post I want to delete for example..but whatever XD
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
I don't think automatic deletion of their replies is planned, but they do remain visible under your own stories so you have the option to delete them yourself if you wish to do so.
The site is still being built, the comments, PM's the option to report/ block other members should be finished within the week or so, my guess judging by from how fast i have seen things being added and/or updated, comments should be done within a day or two, PM's should be done in two - three day's and the option to block someone should be done within the week, though i really don't know
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
Yes because on Ep there was a problem where trolls would post hateful stuff them block the creator of the story so you couldn't delete there comment. Hopefully here they can make it once either party blocks the comment is automatically deleted it would be extremely helpful.
Darci ·
SterbenReyne - So EP shut down and I'm feeling the withdrawal symptoms I went on the former site I was on and felt ten times as worse due to my run in's. PM's are important at this point to build friendships. I calculate stuff too but I like being surprised too makes my dull life become a bit brighter to put it mildly.
you do have a valid point, i guess i'm a bit upset about EP myself, and yeah i can see why PM's are important, everyone who has commented on this story just got spammed by another two people, and im sure a few more to come
yeah i misread something, the option to block someone is already done, i meant to report some one, and yeah ic3queen, i tend to calculate as many things as i can just to be prepared, something could go wrong with SW and they may have to hualt the build progress tomorrow, you really never know xD
ButterflyGirl · 41-45, F
I'm sure it will improve, I just figured in case they didn't think of it it'd be good to bring up :)
ButterflyGirl · 41-45, F
I think so too. I just like to feel comfortable that I'm not going to be attacked like some people seem to do for fun on these type of sites.....
Darci ·
SterbenReyne - always better than feeling like you're talking to yourself until PM's are developed right? :P
Darci ·
Yeah. I got to admit. Deleting stories we write would be a good tool. Soon it will improve.
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Darci ·
SterbenReyne wow haha you're actually calculating all that in case your impatience runs thin? :P But I think it the same way as you do. We just have to waaiiitttt.
SoulAsylum · 36-40, M
You'd have to delete the story and rewrite it which got annoying after awhile ( Forgot to add this to my last post)
mrmistery · M
A like and dislike button would be good too
ButterflyGirl · 41-45, F
I agree with you Ic3Queen
very true ic3queen, very true xD
mrmistery · M
Things will get better
Darci ·
Sometimes when one starts to troll all others seem to follow the troll nation it's amazing. Try to ignore such people.

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