There are filters available for significantly younger and older people, but as the developers don't want members to limit their interactions too much, it is unlikely for an option to be added to block more specific ranges.
@Wreckedredhead: It depends on your own age. I don't think anyone would disagree that someone of age 46 is in a significantly different stage of their life than a teenager. That doesn't meant a 46-year-old is considered ancient though.
That's what I mean. It would be nice to be able to set up specific groups...personally, the 40 and up age group would be ideal. Or even 50 and up. More things in common would generate more serious conversations. Avoid seeing discussions that aren't relevant to certain age groups. Not a lot of interest in joking about bodily functions in the 50+ age's a serious issue with some of us! 😂😂😂. 💨
@rupert: As of right now I'm not sure if the team is going to include this but there is an option to mute members you won't see their posts in the feed you will only see them if you go to their account.
@Jessa29: be nice to be able to just mute age groups. The more mature groups could just choose 40 and up or something like that. Being hit on by guys the same age as my children is a bit unsettling.