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I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds

I have tried to like Similar Worlds but I haven't been able to get excited over it.
I know that everyone has there own makeup and body but EP was easy to use and a exciting place to chat but it's like a chore to get on here.
You can't keep up with your friends some of my best friends I've lost contact with.
I have a terrible time with the way your messages are layed out.
Why can't all the messages that are sent to you in a straight line down from the other one as they are received?
I hate to complain but I would love for sw's to be more user friendly.
I don't mind the advertisements I have actually tried some of the products with good results.
I was looking this morning for my friends list and I've never found them.
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Cherylstiers41 · 51-55, F Best Comment
i have heard a few friends saying the same thing they miss their old friends, who they lost track off. SW should allow you to go back and retrieve that info
candycane · 36-40, F
@Cherylstiers41 i did but s w deactivated it now i retrieved mine but you can no longer see it unless i give you a link

Nuno · Admin

but EP was easy to use and a exciting place to chat but it's like a chore to get on here.

Could you please let us know how was EP better, so we can consider to do more of what EP was doing?

I have a terrible time with the way your messages are layed out.
Why can't all the messages that are sent to you in a straight line down from the other one as they are received?

I'm not very sure what you mean with this, but if you mean auto-update the page as you receive, please note we are already considering that.

However, are you saying that EP used to do that?
EP certainly didn't auto-update. They didn't even notify you of new messages without refreshing the page. We do.

I was looking this morning for my friends list and I've never found them.

Please find the link "Circle" on the Friends page.
I agree that this may not be intuitive at all on mobile devices. I've just put a note in our TODOs to get that improved soon.

Thank you very much,
bookerdana · M
@OogieBoogie thats a good rap lyric..but wise man that he is ,I suspect hes hors de combat rn
@bookerdana i expect he is😂
bookerdana · M
@OogieBoogie his pfp has left the building😀
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Thank you for your suggestions. I'm not sure I understand your proposal for messages though. Would you like all messages to show up chronologically on one page instead of being grouped per conversation partner? Personally I think that would become very confusing.

Keeping up with friends is fairly easy if you change your homepage filter to Friends Only. There is no feature to list all their replies, but that way you will see a list of all their new posts.

Your friend list can be found on your profile by clicking the Circle link.
MartinII · 70-79, M
It's not a lot of help just seeing posts. Most people make far more replies than new posts.
Click on 'social' at the top, it opens a new dropdown, and 'freinds' should be at the top of that. Click on tjat and you should see the people you've friended and who have friended back.

If people have friended you, but you haven't friended them....they appear in under 'followers'....etc.
@ninalanyon im confused , what are you asking?
Plus , this post is so old, the drop down menus we have now, werent available back in 2017.
Maybe that's where the confusion is?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@OogieBoogie I mean that half the Social menu is actually personal so those items belong under the user's profile picture instead.
@ninalanyon oh yeah, now i know what you mean.
Yeah, i don't get that either. Having 2 ways to get to something is kinda confusing, pointless and overkill.

I dont know why admin have done this. I would have thought streamlining stuff was supposed simplify things🤷‍♀️
bookerdana · M
A site of this site has no need of filters,we are not reddit or youtube or Tik Tok....chronological with friends/fetish filters etc is the way to go
MartinII · 70-79, M
I agree. My main complaint is that you can't find out what your friends have said, except by checking individually. On EP, if I remember correctly, you got a continuously updated list of all posts and comments made by your friends.

Stil, there are some nice and interesting people on SW, so I shall persevere.
Nuno · Admin
Hello. You can filter the homepage feed by clicking on the dropdown menu on the top-right.

Kygirl · F
Yes, this is what I was talking about.
Because messages are not in chronological order one after another it's not easy to go back and reread old posts.

I am planning to stay on.
Kygirl · F
I sure hope not but I completely understand what you mean.
I'm not at all tech savvy but I could do a great job at making it more user friendly. It couldn't be that hard.

I've been all day try to figure out how to get SW's to send me my notifications some how except for my email address.

I'm afraid to touch anything because I'm afraid that I'll lose all my friends and messages.
ExtremeNext · 36-40
One thing this site is, is not user friendly they will do their very best to lose what remaining users they have
Ep was totally user friendly. I think most miss it
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My friends list vanished a couple weeks ago.
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I know exactly how you feel . I am not at all tech minded and its hard for me sometimes to work out whats what . I wish it were simpler to understand and less techy.
Frankie13 · 46-50, M
Hello there. I love chatting and was hoping that we could chat sometime 😁
they will get it right someday
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I doubt it. It's been a year.
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@hunkalove: actually it hasn't been a year yet
daddylikestoshow · 46-50, M
Yes, they need to work on some things here
Stick with us Kygirl!
Kygirl · F
👍 I promise you that I will...
Well... I find it similar, though I agree with what you said about messages...
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
I'm sorry you feel like this.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
it happens.

thank you :P
Sterler45 · 36-40, M
I wish I could be friends with you
Bobdale · 56-60, M
Yes all true .
So accurate
Kygirl · F
I know what you mean. It's ridiculous.
Lilnonames · F
My names still the same from e p
candycane · 36-40, F
I dont know if its any better with too much junk add now

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