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Poll limits?

Hi. I just ran across a poll limit...while filling out a poll allowing multiple answers which has 49 different answer options.

Make the counter for this a certain number of POLLS, *not* answer selections.

Thank you.
I don't think I have 49 opinions.
@Mamapolo2016 This was a single poll with 49 options, but you could check multiple answers.

Somewhere LONG before I was done, I hit a limit...
@SomeMichGuy I wonder if they know how much that annoys respondents.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
Yeah an odd one, I mean if you can only pick 25 of the poll options then you'd think they'd of just set the maximum amount of poll options you can create at 25 so you wouldn't get this problem.
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@AdaXI ...OR...count polls, not poll answers. Like 3-5 polls then wait.
AdaXI · 41-45, T
@SomeMichGuy Yeah totally I get what you are saying and it might well be a better way to do it, don't get me wrong.

All I meant by that is I'd of thought they'd at least of set it up so the number of poll replies you can make is equal to the amount of options available on any one given post.

It's sorta glaringly obvious people are gonna notice when you can only pick a handful of the opinions available on a poll before maxing out.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Communism 😤

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