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Delete inactive groups

I notice there are hundreds of groups on here with no stories or maybe just one story that is several years old. I think the site should delete/consolidate these groups that no one uses. Having less groups with more activity in the ones that remain would improve this site.
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helenS · 36-40, F
I don't believe all those groups play any significant role. People just post their stories, and very many appear under "Miscellaneous".

Personally, I would post everything in "Parerga et Paralipomena", if such group existed.
This does not even make sense

People are here because we do not conform

The groups are the way people see themselves

Eliminating groups does not make people want to suddenly conform, it makes them want to depart.

Thus, LESS posts, less quality and much less reason to read through the posts in groups.
@helenS excellent and an even better analogy
Cleancut · 56-60, M
@questionWeaver It's not expression. In many cases it's just a name of a group (similar to other group names) and no content whatsoever. It's just clutter.
@Cleancut people identify with that "clutter"

I identify with over 800 groups ... which all start with "I am", "I like", "I prefer", "I do not like"

It is irrelevant if there are any posts in those groups, for me to identify with them.

The groups were there only for writers to share personal stories to enlarge on their experiences.

And talk about clutter ... have you looked at the new groups? ... full of posts, with no stories in them?

As long as we can create our own groups, they could just delete groups with zero members and zero posts ... something easy and quick to do.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
Why do you want less groups. Why does groups with no stories bother you
Cleancut · 56-60, M
@Jeffrey53 it's clutter.
Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
@Cleancut ok if you say do. I’m in groups that doesn’t have stories
Cleancut · 56-60, M
@Jeffrey53 Is that satisfying to you? Wouldn't you rather be in less groups but ones that have active, interesting conversations? I would.
A lot of the empty groups were copied over from EP
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Cleancut · 56-60, M
@geoam1 Good to hear!

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