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I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds

In addition to my FAQ ( I have summarized all the information the admins have posted about their plans for the future of this website and will include any future posts they make. This way you have all the information you need in one place:
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Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
@pone22: The best place to discuss features is this group (I Have a Suggestion for Similar Worlds). Not only do the admins read through that and reply if necessary, but other members can weigh in as well. Every few days they also post a progress report in the group "Admin Announcements". Finally you can reach the team privately by email: Please understand that their focus is on the programming and moderating though and they may not have time for lengthy discussions, especially in private.
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Let's say I seem to be on my way, lol. No, I'm just a big fan without inside info. I merely gathered the information available across this website and organized it a bit.
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Awh... this (real) world needs some more big fans like you on every other things
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Thanks for volunteering your time to keep the rest of us up-to-date.
Gentle153, is it possible to have an email discussion with the developers or whoever is making decisions about the feature set?

Have the admins created any threads for the discussion of proposed features? A thread in which they post directly and interact with users would be highly desirable.
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
You're welcome, all of you. :-)
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Aww, thanks!
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
@pone22: the developers haven't made any statements about that, so I can't give any official answer. But considering this entire website is inspired by EP, my best personal guess is that the entire conversation with a member is kept in one place. An email-like system really only makes sense when a conversation can be between more than two members, at least in my personal opinion.
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
Thank you for reporting this, Becky. I'll see if I can reproduce this when I'm back home.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

I've found a glitch.

When you are logged out and using IE 11, a member's name, age/sex and the "About Me" link are completely covered up by the blue banner at the top of each page. In other words, when logged out, you can't see or access a member's profile or even see their name.

That is not the case when using Firefox. The page looks perfect.
@gentle153, how does this version of private messaging agree or disagree with your understanding of how they will implement that feature?

Maybe leave your reply in that story?
Madelenie · 26-30, F
Haha so are you part of them now?
Gentle153 · 36-40, MMod
You're welcome :)
Madelenie · 26-30, F

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