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Heya i've no idea where i ended while browsing on the web can anyone help me get my bearing ?

title pretty self explanatory just wanna find nice people to talk to and learn me the site and how it works
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Chaoshead · 22-25, M
Aight I'll give you the scoop free of charge but keep in mind I only come on here like once a year, get bored and then cycle repeat.

This website is the child/sequel of a much older website called Experience Project (EP) that is no longer around. Basically people pick categories to define their profile and then write stories/asks questions where people can then respond. That's really all there is to it.

Now here's the social profile of the site:
1. A ton of older people. Most people 50+ in age are either creepy old men or obsessed with politics.
2. Some young people exist on the site though I wouldn't say a ton. Most have some issues that brought them here like depression, anxiety etc.

That's the gist.
FXCKEVA · 22-25, T
@Chaoshead Oh ok i see thanks for telling me lol
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mynameisbradley · 36-40, M
Hiya im new here to. You can chat with people. Message them so it's just chst between yall two and not in group and group replies. You can search for topics to chst in with people
specman · 51-55, M
I’m not a expert. I mainly just look and comment on posts ,role play and chat on here
Your last left turn was at Albuquerque
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Welcome to Hell
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's a small social media site that's primarily a Q&A forum with private messaging. Odd place that's like a fucked up grab bag of humanity from all walks of life.
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mynameisbradley · 36-40, M
@FableDNK yes thsts true
mynameisbradley · 36-40, M
@mynameisbradley hows it going

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