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I Want To Be A Voyeur At The EP Hotel

Moon's Long Overdue Bubblebath...

So I was talking to moondancelady tonight, and she was saying how long it has been since she relaxed in a tub of bubbles, so I naturally said "let's swing by the EP Voyeur Hotel and I will draw you one right quick". Yes. CEO's talk like this sometimes....

So she eagerly accompanied me to the hotel where we walked in and grabbed the keys to the penthouse suite.  We hustled upstairs, and I went to draw the bath while she got comfortable. I began to run the water. Once it reached the anti-scald maximum temperature, it turned a magnificent shade of rainbow:

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After a while, the water cleared, and moon knew instinctively when to hop in:

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She definitely jumped with much eagerness there! Hope she didn't hurt herself! ;-)

Once mdl seemed to be comfortable in the bath, some of our world famous voyeurs sprinkled the bath with flowers and fruit to accent mdl's true beauty:

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Once mdl reached a state of semi-consciousness, she was treated to a little naughty entertainment to enhance the experience:

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At the end of the bubble bath, we provided souvenir shots of her memorable experience with us.  We are also placing one in the lobby as a brochure advertisement for our services:

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Originally Posted: November 11, 2013 by ambroseguy80 on Experience project
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@MrBrownstone: I will take them either way, but hairless would be nice for a change....
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@Ambroseguy80: So much better hairless.😛
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@MrBrownstone: yes. I'm not going to deny. For oral, shaven is much more attractive.

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