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I Am An EP Refugee

I joined EP in 2008 and was still on when it shut down. I met some truly great people on EP. If any of those folks are here, I will be grateful if they reach out to me.
Uncfred · 61-69, M
well well well, I look in and there you are, two of my favourites...How are you Poetry my lovely lady, so quick with your responses on EP, and Deggers, nice to see you again.
HStoner, I remember you, but we never actually made contact, maybe we can put that right.
Surely there are more ex EP in here!!!
There you are! LOL. Friending you stat! LOL. Welcome back...
Degbeme · 70-79, M
See! You only had to speak up. ;)
LEXUS46 · 56-60, F
I did too :) Some amazing people. I miss it!
@LEXUS46 Many kept the same names and avatars, Lexus. Look around. Or type their names into the search similar worlds above.
LEXUS46 · 56-60, F
I'm going to add you :)

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