Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Oldtruckerc1 Thank you U can change the rating on your story no matter the group rating before you post it.
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@Oldtruckerc1 As minors can see this post we just want to make sure it's safe for them to read also.
Correction: "My wife doesn't know I have this account".
Ivana · F
idk why it had to be a secret but i guess if my bf asks me if im any social network id not say
oldtruckerc1 · M
The Ex and this one used to but the intimacy has gone out the window so no :(
oldtruckerc1 · M
ok Correction Noted lol
oldtruckerc1 · M
sorry Jessa I'm not sure how the site works Ruby care to chat some where
oldtruckerc1 · M
Thank you Jessa ill try and watch in from now on
Jessa29 · 36-40, FMod
@RadiantRuby Please remember this is a non-adult group.
aradia11 · 61-69, F
Same here need something to vent
Twoinmanc · 51-55, M
Same here
aradia11 · 61-69, F
me too!
Does your wife sit on your face?
Awww, well you deserve to go online and blow some steam.