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I remember joining EP in 2012. How many here can say they've been around that long?????

Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
May 2007 was my first post to Experience Project.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
FYI: EP officially launched to the public in April 2007. I was the 19th member to join. At least, that was how many active members
@Fungirlmmm you've documented...
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@SW-User I just know my supporter status was always covered by EP because i had been there so long.
@SW-User cello
@SW-User lemon
@SW-User sorry, that was an inside joke I have with my niece. She was talking about what she wanted to name her cello, and I suggested Lemon Cello. hahahaha, I'm so funny.
easterniowegin · 51-55, M
I don't recall exactly when, but it was approx 2009, i think.
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
I joined EP in early 2008.
@V00doo damn... I was still on Myspace in those days 😅 I think YouTube had just barely gotten popular at that time too
@ChiefWalksWith40oz Im old 🤣
@V00doo I hadn't even gotten my first internet worthy computer by then, lol
Selah ·
I think I was.
@Selah it's kinda crazy knowing I've been interacting with you (and many others) for this long. LOL I don't even know my own family this well
Selah ·
@SW-User yeah it seems ridiculous tbh lol
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Harlow · 31-35, F
I join EP in 2014
I joined in 2012 too 👌
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
November of 2008
I was a member of EP for a decade. Maybe longer. At least a decade. Feels longer...
@11knaves11 Hi, Knaves. I am a Miss. How long were you there? Time. Some details are forgotten. Good morning.
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
@PoetryNEmotion good morning, I started in 2008 on Ep and I believe your page was dense with information. I'm thinking you were on there prior to 08 my friend. Enjoy your day, be well, 👋🏽👋🏽
@11knaves11 Thank you for remembering me. I hope your day sings. :)
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
Was on EP but exact date unknown
@SW-User The ☀️
I can't recall exactly, it was 2008 or 2009 when I joined.
11knaves11 · 41-45, M
I'm thinking I was around 2008
Texassvt · 56-60, F
I miss experience project.
i was on ep for like a week before it got shut down
@deathfairy good enough. You make the cut
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I went on EP in 2013
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
I joined EP in 2011.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I joined EP in 2013
Lilnonames · F
I joined e p in 2006 then came here in 2016
@Lilnonames for real?
Lilnonames · F
@SW-User yes for real
Lilnonames · F
I joined e p in 2006

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