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Want to share a weird experience about love and women.

How do we create lovers? ( An excerpt from reknowned occultists, Barbara Pijan)

By manifesting a part of ourselves into the outside world. There is really no such thing as an outside person. Everything one perceives with one's own senses, including other people, is simply a projection, a mirror image, of oneself.

What one does and what one thinks literally * creates * the world. To the extent that one can control one's own electro-magnetic initiating thoughts and actions, one can control the flow of lovers into the life.

These charming beings materialize only AFTER one creates them! (And if you don't create them, they don't appear.) However do remember that creating lovers takes time, effort, and personal responsibility to deal judiciously with that which one has made flesh.

I recently, started manifesting a woman of my dreams.I can tell you, she is exceptionally pretty and loving.

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