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I Love the Experience Project

I loved EP, such a brilliant concept for a site, though to be honest I never really felt I had a story to share there, by the time I got around to really wanting to be a member I found out it was mothballed Indefinitely by its creator. I'm just so happy that Similar Worlds has picked up the torch, this is a great thing to have online.
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RealMustangGuy · 61-69, MVIP
I agree about the brilliant concept EP had and I too am very grateful to Andrew and Nuno for starting this site. They've done a good job with it in my opinion. It really is hard to satisfy every single user when there are something like 14,000 plus members.

But when EP closed I tried all the other sites based on this same concept and Similar Worlds is far and away the best of them all in my opinion.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I agree, some of the others were basically pandering to everybody who had a grudge with anything. I've had huge 'discussions' with people about racism, sexism, religion etc on this site and none of my stuff has been deleted, I haven't been warned and the sensible amongst us, although disagreeing have managed to stay civil (give or take the odd comment). On Answerm* I was having stuff deleted from day one because somebody complained, it was pointless and I've never been back.
RealMustangGuy · 61-69, MVIP
GeniUs, I haven't been on Anserm* for a long time, but I'm still registered. I got a couple of emails recently from them. Apparently there is some major glitch or problem and I gather the whole site has been down and unusable for a while now.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I got that one too, I think it proves that message boards may look a simple thing to throw together but they are as complicated as most other software if it's done right.
DownSyndromeWolf · 22-25, M
yeah, but all the friends and people l knew on experience project is gone with the site, so it isn't the same for the people who spent a while on the site
I think once this place gets going with more people it will be better than EP.☯
3503501a · 46-50, M
I think that sw is trying to hard an to much tobe like ep it's a shame an sad

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