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I Am An EP Refugee

I miss EP, when I heard that they were leaving I cryed.
Thankfully I was able to get some dear friends emails addresses and some on different chat sites.
I hope that this will become a safe and secure place to hang out make good friends and catch back up with the old ones and to be able to enjoy and share in each of our lives together.
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aerosnz1 · 61-69, M
I bet you make a great hot brown sandwich? My wife is slowly turning me into a southerner, I'm originally form Massachusetts, I've been here since 2005, I love green beans and salt pork so much, and spoon bread, I can't get enough of either. My wife's specialty is her pan fried chicken, to hell with KFC or Lee's Famous Recipe, give it to me right out of the frying pan, she won't tell me her secret ingredient in her batter, but it's the best, but out of a store, the fresh fried chicken is at Kroger, as long as you get it as soon as it comes out, but my wife's is so much better. That, home made mac and cheese and a cold Ale 8 and I'm in Heaven....hehehehhehehhe.
lasergraph · 70-79, M
A lot of former EPers have come to different places trying to find something that was like EP. Hopefully this will be an answer. Time will tell and I am pretty patient.
Kygirl · F
I had a very good friend in Alberta Canada. I was never able to get his email address. I'm very worried about him and his family because of the fire that's going on there.
Please pray for Chain.
Mk8155 · M
I was on EP as well. When it shut down I tried sw and wasn't impressed. I forgot about it a year and tried again I guess it different to navigate around
Silverwings · 70-79, F
Hi Ky Girl, I live about 90 miles from Somerset, I think.I am not familiar with Dawson Springs, even though I have heard of it. I do go to Lexington every 3 mos for a botox treatment on my neck, I have cervical dystonia. I am 30 miles from Bowling Green. I ran into a really good snack one time on a trip, and it was not local, but came later, it was the chedder filled round pretzels, Yum!! I guess it will be the same with the Ale8? It is nice to talk with a native :) Many Blessings...........
kitzelsdad · 70-79, M
It didn't really bother me when they announced it. After it was gone, then i was lost. This site seems like it will work out after they get the bugs worked out. I am ready for the private messaging and albums. thanks for making me a friend, I appreciate it.
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Thanks, friend. I hope to return in mid January provided I receive my Brazilian passport by then. I plan to start the application process as soon as I get home.
Brazil isn't too much better politically. Its president has been impeached but is still eligible for a comeback and she wants to. Her replacement is only temporary but isn't much good for the country.
Even with that, I am much happier here and have lots of adopted family and loads of friends, too.
I am inclined to agree with you that we worry for your kids' generation but even more so, for the generation to follow, not being brought up with moral absolutes or rules or even responsibilities at home. What type of leaders will they be?
Thanks for your good wishes. I am in the midst of a sticky wicket right now. I will tell you about it in a private message to follow.
DDaverde · 61-69, M
@kitzelsdad we are living in scary times for sure I am worried about my 17 year old daughters future the Demi-rats gotta go …
Their followers are definitely out of touch
From reality…they like the alien invasion
And the 8.8 percent inflation rate and most of them will never be able to own a house
With 4 points of interest on a house loan ..
I’m glad I’m an older person…saddening
Kygirl · F
You're so right about that 😢 😢 😢 😢
damacles · 61-69, M
still miss EP and lot of friends from there
aerosnz1 · 61-69, M
I too am a EP Refugee, I miss it but like you, I got email addy's of those closest to me there and we continue to communicate that way, once this site ic totally up and functional, I know it will be a fun and cool place to hang out, I'll friend anyone who responds to my posted stories.
Itsjustus · 61-69, M
I miss it as well...I also got some email addy's in the scramble just before the shutdown, but not all that I wanted. 😔 One in particular that I thought I had...but didn't...and I misspelled mine that I gave to them. Guess they are lost forever..... Hoping this site takes off, so I can meet new friends as well.
wickey · 70-79, M
I was on EP from 2009, and miss a lot of good souls who were on there, hope I am able to make friends with even a few of them here.
wickey · 70-79, M
@Kygirl: Do you remember Visualone? I loved to read her, for me it was the beginning of the end at EP. with her getting leaving on her own accord as admin could not see eye to eye with her.
Kygirl · F
No I'm sorry but I don't. It's so sad that sw's can't get setup like EP. It's just so hard here to keep up with everyone.
wickey · 70-79, M
@Kygirl: Let's hope this site moves up with time.
Storyteller4u2 · 61-69, M
Agreed on a place to stay in touch and survive in the mean time by sharing and meeting with friends for mutual support and continuing life on parallel paths.
DDaverde · 61-69, M
So am I I had made some great friends
On that website.. I miss one particular friend
I had she was wonderful!!
I really miss her …..
Canicu69 · 70-79, M
I am a EP refugee and I was detained at the airport. They wouldn't let me enter the US..

I understand, but they don't, I am not into bondage and that stuff

KY Girl....I love the name
Kygirl · F
Glad to hear that you are still alive 🎉🎊🎉

Talk to your friends a little bit more 😂🤣😂
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
I will follow you anywhere KYGIRL... Hope you enjoy it here, even with the limitations. All discussions are in public here... No PM..
Kygirl · F
Good morning Siverwings, I tryed to friend you but I don't know how. I thought that we were friends but when I checked this morning we weren't. Maybe if you would like to be my friend please friend me. I'll friend you back.
The Bread Of Life cafe isn't in Danville, it's in Casey County. Going through Danville is one of two ways that I can get there from here.
I think that you live close to Mammoth Cave.
I hope that you will have a good day.
aerosnz1 · 61-69, M
Thank You Kygirl, we Kentuckians have to stick together........heheheheehe.
I agree with you. This site seems to be ok so far. At least it does to me.
I was on ep for 4 years,sadly many friends dispersed and went to other sites
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Zzzzme · 56-60, M
Please count me in as a good friend
Kygirl · F
Silverwings · 70-79, F
@Zzzzme Hey, Zzzzme, I think I remember you!!
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Hi there. I still haven't figured this sight out yet. EP was more clear about things than SW. I don't know how to join groups now where I go to write stories. I thought the stories would all automatically transfer to SW as did the usernames. Hopefully, in time, I'll get things straight.
geekoo · 41-45, M
i wanna ask u something. can u send me a private message pls @kygirl
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
geekoo, To whom are your referring when you ask, "can u send me a private message?"
Kygirl · F
geekoo · 41-45, M
@Kygirl: still waiting :)
Zzzzme · 56-60, M
Count me in as friend
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
nudistsueaz · 61-69, F
TomThom · 51-55, M
Hi Debbie, it's Tom, your old pal from little ol' England saying hello :)
Kygirl · F
Yes you are so right, we must stick together.
Do you go to Lexington much? Who knows we might just pass each other in Hamburg lol.😊
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
Well KYGIRL, as you can see.. YOU have many friends that are devoted to you.. Me too.. You are a special woman..
Showaddict · 70-79, M
As a 'refugee' also I am pleased with the progress of this site and hope to renew old EP friendships here too
aerosnz1 · 61-69, M
Count me in on your friends list, I think this site is going to be cool.
Kygirl · F
Thank you, I welcome you as a good friend.
lubovont · 70-79, M
Yes I was on EP for a few years.
SubmissiveNature · 31-35, M
Please reply to my message
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
Welcome to EP.
Justcurious86 · 36-40, M
Have you tried fetlife?
aerosnz1 · 61-69, M
I'm just waiting for private messaging, what the hell similarworlds, this should have been one of the first things in working order when this site launched.
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
And u stand up for these kind of men... nice lady ... ur the evil one
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
...why ANR
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Shall we write Erotic stories together

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