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I Am Sad Ep Is Closing

The loss of EP is one of those inevitabilities of life. Doors close, tides change, stars move across the heavens. Nothing truly ever remains.

Each of us is taking this in our own particular way as a part of our lives from the casual to the vital will soon be no more. The clock ticks and some look upon this with dread and mourning, others bid a fond farewell, some have left early to ease the pain of ending, others intend to hold out to the bitter end. For each this is a deeply personal reaction to something that has impacted us all, even if not profoundly.

No reaction to the ending of EP is invalid, none more sensible or thoughtful or correct than any other. For my part I choose to remain until the end and post as much as time and mood permit in the hopes of continuing to touch other's lives with my words.

A friend introduced me to EP not much more than half a year ago. I was intrigued but never imagined that I would become fascinated, captivated, and in ways enthralled. When my experiences crested 1000 I wondered if I was taking this too far. Especially since I had the lofty and ambitious goal at the outset to write under each category I chose that did not directly duplicate the theme of another.

Life got in the way for a couple of months so that plan was put on a back burner in spite of finding, much to my surprise, that my posts had developed a bit of a following. Some simply expressed their connection with "hearts", others replied to the narratives, and a few have even reached out to share further thoughts and open doors to new friendships and connections. I needed to return to this unexpected place of wonder, to share again with those who enjoy my particular means of ex<x>pression. Then I discovered I was too late.

Or was I too late? Time still favors me to some degree as I am again inspired to open up the window into my mind, heart, and soul just a crack again. I do not feel that I owe this insight to anyone but myself, yet I know others will benefit in unexpected ways so I will write what I can while this is still an option. For those who remain there will be more to discover before we must all move on to whatever venue next suits our need to express, to share, to find some catharsis or connection.

No matter what follows, never stop expressing yourself.
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Well written and well said. Thank you for this post. 😊
WellFrog · 56-60, M
Thank you. Ironically this would prove to be my 50th post. Not precisely the topic I would have preferred for such a milestone, yet at once it seems appropriate that it would land at number 50.
In all honesty, I would think it is very fitting for such milestone.

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