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I What Ep Means In My Life

What EP Means In My Life......
I started EP this year of 2008 while I was waiting to have major surgery. In 8/2004 while on my way to work I was hit from the side and was thrown from my car. My head was lying about five inches from noonday traffic on one the busiest freeways in my state.
Then in 2/2006 my beloved husband of 17 years had a double stroke and a heartattack. He passed away 8/2007.
And in 8/2008 my birth mother passed way. I was lucky enough in this life to have had 2 mothers and now both of them had gone on.
I really could not express to my loved ones how alone, different, and cold my world had become. All the things that were a constant in my life, things that made me feel stable, safe, but independent seemed to have disappeared overnight so to speak.
I had a weird dream and my 7 dream books did not seem to help me to decipher the dream. So I went searching on the internet and found EP. EP was a gift from the Creator, to me.
As I started reading thru the site I found people who could use some of what I knew, used, or just had sound knowledge of. Then I found I could create groups and join other groups. I could create a group circle of friends, gurus, and favorites. Well to say this in a simple way, I found my way back into the world with EP.
I could safely reach out to people I really don't think I would mind knowing personally. But because I am just not ready for up close and personal yet, EP made it easy for me not to just quit living and start to participate in life, again.
EP has been my life line especially after my surgery, because I had to learn how to walk again. I could not drive, cook (which I love to do), wash my own get the picture? But I could sit and read, comment, and create on EP. I am not a TV person 24/7 so EP was like "Manna" from Heaven.
98% of my EP experience has been the "Total Bomb"! I have enjoyed the personalities and belly laughs I have experienced. I have also learned so much from the people who contribute their time, experiences, wishes, and sometimes their guts on this site. I have found some true spiritual equals, life experience twins, and rowdy compadres to whom I owe plenty.
I will continue here at EP for quite awhile I think. And, to the people who have graced me in my circles and who have invited me into theirs, THANK YOU, from the deepest bottom to the uppermost parts of my heart. All of you and EP have kept my true spirit alive and kicking. I am Blessed and send you all blessings, too. I still believe and I almost stopped, thank you.
Peace and Much, Much Love to you.
Livingwell, this is the comment I posted earlier. I erased it by mistake while trying to create a story .I joined EP in October of last year. I have frequently thought of EP as my lifeline. I joined EP while looking for infomation on depression . That was actually the first group I joined and where I met my very first EP friend. As time went by I became more and more interested in participating in other groups and stories and I slowly began to create my own groups and circle. I have met many interesting people, some I only hear from occassionally, some others with very different points of view have been fundamental in reaffirming me of my own sanity and convictions : Re: political stories during elections hehehe, but the best have been those I have become friends with , who not only have given me support and encouragement when needed but also have taught me a lot and shared with me very special and meaningful moments.
Thanks EP, for creating a site where all this can happen thank you LW for adding me to your circle and becoming a friend and thanks to all my other friends, for being the voice of reason in many of the stories that we have shared.
Cheers !!
To all of you who read this story....
I am thankful & very glad if this story keeps you trying to live like the people of EP kept me trying to live.
I know the Creator had everything to do with this and I thank you all for being obedient to that will. It is the Creators' Spirit inside of us that guides us when we are brave enough to listen or have gone so deep into darkness we have no choice but to listen. I thank the Creator for all of you beautiful lights at EP.

You guys guided me back into the light and back into my life. No, my life is not perfect, but I really don't think perfection is what we should be after in this life.

My life is peace, good food (I cook! a lot!), spiritual projects for me and others, much love, a few problems like anyone elses life. And, I would not give a moment of it up for the world, now.

But in 2008 I just did not want to try anymore. My EP family helped more than I could ever tell you guys, not in a million years could I even give you an inch of the many thousand miles you have given back to me.
Much Much Love and Blessings to You ALL,
oh my goodness, livingwell, I had no idea what you have been through. I know what an uphill journey it is to return from such an injury (the one from your auto accident). But then to have such losses to face on top of that... My respect for you is deepening by the moment. I feel so fortunate to be getting to know you. What a lot you have to share with others. And I'm so glad you found your way here to E.P. It has been a healing grace for so many of us. Amazing.
I loved reading this story, I'm so glad your in my circle, Bless you Livingwell.
I have always said, "You get what you want out of EP" Sometimes you have to weed through some of it, but you can keep what you want and my experience on EP as also been a good one and your story makes me see how important it is in peoples lives and I'm glad that you enjoy it and I'm glad your my friend.
Hi livingwell, I dont know how I stumbled into this story today but I feel I was meant to. I am feeling sorry for myself as due to a operation I dont expect to be working for the next 3 months. But my situation is nowhere near as desperate as yours has been.
How are you doing now?
Thank You both for reading my story. I look at my EP eaperience & all the people, soul-mates & friends as extended blood family. I worry about them and want them to have the very best life has to offer! Hugs & Love, LW
I too am glad that you're here. Without EP I never would have "met" you and you're definately worth knowing. Thank you for adding me to your friends circle.
I know how you feel; my friends on ep have meant so much to me, before. but now that I am facing a family crisis, I think I would go insane without them.
Thank you swanfether and datura. Its members like you that keep me going on days that can be very challenging.

Peace and Much Love to you.
You have been such a positive light on EP. Thank you for sharing your story and helping others through difficult times.
Thank you so much you guys. See! EP people are just simply the best.

Peace and Much Love to you.
Your beauty shines through the words you shared with us in this story. I'm so glad you're here.
Your stories are truely very inspirational..thank you for sharing..
I can feel your energy ,to find a person like you is truly refreshing.
Much love to and blessings to you livingwell xxx
I appreciate your comments very much!
Hugs, LW

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