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I Want to Improve the Experience Project

Loosing Track Of Friends.... I know this has been griped about before but the friends lay out isn't very good.

I like the new status layout but we can't scroll through it. I want to see who is my friend and who is simply in my circle by looking at their page or scrolling over their name. I can only see if they are in my circle or not. I am loosing track of friends who aren't on as frequent.....
To view fans/friends click 'friends' on the left hand column of your profile page. From there you can sort and filter different relationships. We are working to improve this page and more options in the future so that members can more easily find and maintain friendships with those they care for most.

As for profile pages, we no longer display if a member in your circle is a friend or favorite but this is because we are in the process of simplifying friendships so that members can add friends and have the option to approve friendships--among one of the most popular requests from our community.
Arsineh, can you kindly expand on: "we are in the process of simplifying friendships so that members can add friends and have the option to approve friendships" ?

We have that now, don't we? (Approving and adding friends). Will we be able to see if we are in someone's circle (they added us, we have not added them back yet)?

I have had people in the past I have thought about adding, but didn't because due to interactions on comments, etc., I would have thought if they wanted to be friends, they would have already sent me a friend request.

However... it turns out that they HAD sent me one, several months earlier. If I could have seen I was already in their circle, I would have added them much earlier.
"it turns out that they HAD sent me one, several months earlier. If I could have seen I was already in their circle, I would have added them much earlier." RedRubies makes an excellent point.

EPArsineh, please do restore the feature of having friend or fan status automatically show when we view another person's profile. And please do consider my well-received requests for 60 friends per page and an alphabetical or chronological option.
We need a better friends page. Only 20 friends per page is pathetic; it reduces the incentive to even use the friends page feature. You could easily fit 40, and probably 60 friends on a page. Look at how much wasted blank space the friends page has.

We also need an option to view friends in alphabetical or chronological order.
I can no longer change my status on my iPhone or iPad. :(

& as for friends, I couldn't agree more. It would also be wonderful if we could see our fans by the same means!
awhitedot · 46-50, M
I got so frustrated with the mobile version I hardly use it anymore.
The app is awful. If I ever log in via my phone, I don't use the app... *hiss*
Does anyone use the app? It's dreadful! D:
Same here. Not "loving it".
Indeed. + 1 more!

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