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I Love the Experience Project

So I figured since EP is the reason I am here, I owed this group a story.
I loved the Experience Project. I truly did. For a long time anyway.
It seems to me that the perfect group of people all hit a low point in their lives at the same time as me and a universal stroke of luck brought us all together. It gave us exactly what we needed: anonymous friendship and counsel. That of course turned into friendship and more and really became the world I wanted to live in, while the real world moved on around me.
I knew that was a sad fact. Because for myself and others, it became a haven from the world we knew. The world we needed to face eventually but how? How to leave when EP was the loving familiar? I actually was envious of those that left. The ones that had the balls to leave us behind. Often I was upset that it happened without proper goodbyes, but I also knew we were EP junkies and would probably try and hold them in our hell. So it was good for them to go cold turkey.
In no way am I saying EP was bad. I think we all got a bit of help from it. We definitely found self worth. Something I know I was lacking at the time.
But all good things come to an end. By the time EP closed shop it had changed to a less fun style, the people were changing too and it made me love it less and focus on the real world. But maybe that was the design. Get us friends, get us connections, then force us to be free again. We had to learn to fly solo sometime.
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McToady · 46-50, F
The old EP that didn’t have the drama bull shit was the best EP. When everyone would look forward to what those in our circle were writing. It became like the most hilarious chat group at times. It’s where I met some of the funniest people I’ve known. It’s where I realized I’m not alone in so many ways. It was therapeutic and cathartic. I miss it. I hope we can build something similar again.
Firegod74 · 46-50, M
@McToady well every day more of the old jump on the Similar Worlds bandwagon. I'm hoping the site will be what we make of it.
Something else just occurred to me. Most of us were in our working prime back then. How the hell did we manage to keep our jobs with the hours we put in?
Bleed · 41-45, F
It's made me so happy seeing so many familiar faces reuniting! Though the reason i'm back is because once again my life is a train wreck. EP saved me once. I found it at a low point but like Toady said I met some of the funniest motherfuckers ever. It gave me my life back but i've never forgot those who I was lucky to know.
HotMessExpress102 · 41-45, F
So very well said!
EP saved me in more ways than one and taught me so much about myself. I'm forever grateful for those that aided me on my journey.
Firegod74 · 46-50, M
@HotMessExpress102 I think one of the ways it helped me was by showing me just how many screwed up people there are out there. At the time I thought my life was in a hole, but holy shot there were some train wrecks. (My apologies if your train was wrecking at the time)
I went from feeling like I was in quicksand, to being the anchor for others. You can't be at rock bottom if you are helping people up and that changed my whole perspective on life in a hurry.
HotMessExpress102 · 41-45, F
That's exactly what happened to me! I started to feel like I was making a positive difference and that feeling is magical. @Firegod74
court1117 · 36-40, F
I felt the same about it. I have a very happy marriage, but found EP during a time I was growing and needing to spread my wings a bit. Some days it was overwhelmingly too much but the conversations were always the best! I wish I could remember everyone I connected with.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
Yes we did need to fly free but I still miss EP.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@Firegod74 I was not active then but I did make some good friends and had some help when I really needed it.
Firegod74 · 46-50, M
@Sinnerwithaheart the strange thing is, it gave me help I didn't even know I needed.
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
@Firegod74 Yes it did the same thing for me.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Ep was like a jagged little pill 😂 sometimes hard to swallow but you still wanted and needed it. I miss the old days...

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