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I may just be slow ... but this could be an ingenious idea!

In the past 24 hours I have been blocked by three individuals. I have interacted with none of the theee. All three have visited my profile.

It suddenly occurs to me that this is a great time saver method. It will enable me not to visit the same profile of people that don't interest me again in a week or two. Or in a month or more. What an ingenious method to assist my memory. I have an entirely new outlook on blocking and being blocked.
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
I looked couldn't see anything disturbing but was the aim to get people to look? If so you win.
RSquared · 61-69, M
@GeniUs Nope. It was not.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@RSquared You still win, I'm happy to chat to anybody only one or two people incur my wrath (see the 72 virgins post for an example).
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I've been blocked by 3 random people I never heard of too.
Also quite recently
RSquared · 61-69, M
@AbsolutelyFabulous We must be living right! 😂 😂
Adogslife · 61-69, M
People care about SW waaaay too much.

Drop in. Interact with some cool people and call it a day.

All this “blocking” stuff is just nuts. It’s such a waste of time when there are virtually limitless positive interactions possible.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
That's looking on the bright side.

YoMomma ·
Weird.. i wonder why 😅
RSquared · 61-69, M
@YoMomma I've come and gone a bunch of times on here and EP since starting in 2010. And sometimes I had VIP and sometimes I didn't. But I never come close to maxing out blocks. People just never got to me that much. I never understood it. But everyone must decide for themselves.
YoMomma ·
@RSquared it was someone else's bad influence.. block happy stuff eh? .. ah well .. its a mad world..
RSquared · 61-69, M
@YoMomma I get astounded sometimes. I don't really get upset. And I didn't do a go job of stating my intended purpose this time I don't think. I was coming to the realization I could utiliize the block function to my advantagecas as a filter function. When I review someone's profile before contacting them, I thoroughly review it. At least a page's worth of posts. Photos. Friends. At least 10 pages of forums. Manyvtimes by the time I get finished thevperson is no longer online. If i decide not to contactvthevperson, whether online or not, if I used the block function fir my filtering, I wouldn't waste my time again. That's what this post was about.
You blocking them back yet???
RSquared · 61-69, M
@HootyTheNightOwl I don't block in retaliation. And I can't see them anyway, what's to be gained?
@RSquared When they unblock you next week, you'll be looking at them all over again...
When we see this

And then these,

Our first thought is that you're a serial killer.
RSquared · 61-69, M
@NativePortlander1970 It begs the question why you haven't blocked me yet then?
@RSquared LOL I am now, just waiting for your reply.

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