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FYI . You have been blocked for a reason .

There's always a reason . You may not know why but that doesn't mean that there's not a reasn .

Js ...
Yeah but you know that shit stings a lil bit when it’s someone who previously claimed to be a friend. Cmon we’re humans.
@SW-User yes ..flawed in every way
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Absolutely true, and I accept it when I get blocked even if it's a surprise. There are only 2-3 occasions where I truly had no idea why.

I'm sometimes tempted to speak up when one friend has blocked another, and I think that the blocked person is a decent and well-meaning individual. But I never go, because I think that the implicit level of trust in social media breaks down if people don't have the ability to block someone that makes them uncomfortable--and that's someone we can each only determine for ourselves.
People should never feel bad being SW blocked. You’re not missing anything😅
@BloviatingBuffoon I never feel bad about it ...🙂
Always. Doesn’t matter if you know, because I do. 🖤🤗
I've been blocked twice in 3 days. No clue what I did. But I reckon I did something.
caccoon · 36-40
Sometimes I block cause I get paranoid 😩 I've probably blocked the wrong people sometimes but I am scared of being harassed 😬
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I agree with this

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