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I Have Been Blocked By Users I Have Never Heard Of

One guy recently, accused me of being a man, or being transgendered/transvestite.

accused me of being really unattractive and old because my husband won't touch touch.

And then when the conversation didn't turn in his direction, he blocked me.


I rarely block individuals, and by then its after much patience.

I never get people who harass you, act hurt and then block you.

so weird.
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sounds like he did you a favour!
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-User Yeah I know, its just still so weird to me.
relax don't worry about trivial stuff like that! his loss!@darktippedrose
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-User I think I was more pissed off about being accused of being an old man pretending to be a woman, lol
Did his name end in 'x'?
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
@SW-User I don't remember. I remember what it started with.
@darktippedrose Well, regardless, you did dodge a bullet.
darktippedrose · 41-45, F
I only wish that those that target, interrupt, irritate and harass me ... would simply just block me.

It would so much more pleasant.

do feel for your experience
Livingwell · 61-69, M
So weird. Dodged that bullet..
Horrifying individuals. Why anyone has to be so mean and offensive Ill never understand.
will999 · 70-79, M
Good riddance I say.

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