I take my news from select OSINT guys I know per region I cover internationally, guys I can trust with similar standards, who offer corrections even if months later.
For national news I go off headlines, read the text, if it is too ideological (left or right) I ditch it. I tend to look up on various search engines the topic and don't let google alone tell me what to think.
In the old days I tried to maintain a balance approach to reading all the major news websites nationally and internationally (India, China, France, Mexico, UK sites) but saw too many contradictions occuring with liberal sites, like CNN and MSNBC. CNN turning into a liberal fantasy channel was a major blow to me, I grew up watching CNN International late at night.
Now I just hardcore avoid looking at liberal news sites. If I see a headline offered from one of them I just do a boolean search elsewhere for the story. I had to start doing this with Foxnews as well because I caught them lying too many times too- far less than CNN and MSNBC, but enough to permaban them.