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How memorable are social media things to you?

Joining various sites is a distraction. I used to have all the most popular ones, but they stole so much of my time to be with the people I love that I cancelled many of them! I use these sites as an entertainment and sometimes they are great fun for a time, but they can be a burden.
DarkXtecy · 36-40, M
Its best to stay away from social media as much as possible, it can get very addictive in a short span of time.
For entertainment either just watch a movie or tv series on line or best to distract onself with some outdoor activities. Maybe joining some sports or other entertaining dance clube or chess club or even literature club.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Social media things are memorable to me because they give a smile on my face that how childish I was.🙂
Can definitely agree with you! Sometimes it's fun thou

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