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I'm leaving SW today and i want to share valuable advice with my fellow SWs

I know, this place has given you someone to talk to, take away your loneliness or just to have company.
I know this place gave you platform to express yourself without personally being judged.
And I'm talking about the genuine people who come for friendship and support here.

Please do not reveal your identity like: picture, real name, address, phone number or any other thing that help people know you in real life.

Do not ever meet your online friends. Now you might fight this, but the truth is it is the most foolish thing to meet online people in real life.
In online world, one can portray to be the best well wisher, most spiritual or helpful person with a clean background. But online you only see what people show you.

Your safety is priceless. You are priceless.
This advice is especially for naive young users.

Best thing would be to leave such online platforms and work on things that matter, in real life.
Writing your feelings and thoughts over personal diary or journal is better than posting it here as you look more vulnerable to predators.

Predators wil make you feel guilty for not sharing your real name, identity, phone number etc. It's their way of taking out personal information from you.

Don't be deceived by such online platforms. In real such websites are devil's play and platform because mostly everyone babbles here whatever comes to their mind without thinking.

Even the wise people only waste time here where they could be doing so much better things in real.

Websites like SW plays with our minds, nothing else.
If you want to find genuine friendships, helping hand, join NGOs, go to old age homes or orphanages.
And the truth of life is you only have yourself, don't let anyone come in your emotional and personal space. It's not worth it.

Many people are atheists here but having a relationship with God helped me a lot.
I even write letters to God, because i know he listens.

God is the mother you always wanted
God is the father you always wanted
God is the friend you always wanted
God is the lover you always wanted

God is everything.
God is one.
There are many paths just to read that one God so never think your religion and beliefs are legit only.

Warn regards and wishes
in10RjFox · M
The funniest warning I have ever read. 😀😀

EP & SW has been here for more than a decade. I have met so many in real life and still connected directly through emails, google chat, whatsapp etc.

Please do not reveal your identity like: picture, real name, address, phone number or any other thing that help people know you in real life.
OMG, maybe you should warn everyone who has put their real picture as display and feature their selfies and nudes.

On one end, you are someone who is petrified and suffering from a phobia and on the other end you are plain and simple JEALOUS. You just don't want people to meet and fall in love with one another, and reason why you are warning like a dog that keeps barking on people.

in10RjFox · M

Your love is not pure and hence it will not affect me. So no affection here.

Live and Let Live. You are scaring others because you are scared of life. So start trusting people to win their trust.

You become untrustworthy the more you say others are untrustworthy.

People who do not learn how to survive here, just leave. They don't advise others how they should lead a life.

You are the most spurious personality here who talks about genuineness.

I am making sure that you quit SW with a damaged soul for the nonsense that you have done here.

But I have a hunch that you will never leave for you are just a Drama queen .
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@in10RjFox Again only love to you.
For me you're just a brother who gave many valuable realistic advice to me.
I'm not perfect, no one is perfect.
Sorry if i caused you any hurt or inconvenience.

Stay blessed.
in10RjFox · M
@YourFriend4ever so what time is your flight departure to.LOST ? And why are you still online when you are supposed to switch off your mobile, after boarding ?
See you soon with a new profile name and picture.
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@nevergiveup I'm not coming back once i leave but thank you :D
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Being careful with your identity is good advice, but you seem to be taking it to the extreme. If you feel like SW does more harm than good in your life, you should definitely stop coming here and I wish you well. However, that is not everyone's experience on here, and I believe it is a positive resource for many.
Many people are atheists here but having a relationship with God helped me a lot.
I'm glad you find solace in your relationship with God, but again, that's not everyone's experience. An atheist can not decide to believe in a god anymore than you could decide not to believe. We are all convinced into believing things, we don't get to pick.

Best of luck to you wherever life takes you.
I know, this place has given you someone to talk to, take away your loneliness or just to have company

No, I'm not lonely.

There are many paths just to read that one God so never think your religion and beliefs are legit only.

Nope, only one way to God.
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic Yes only one way to god that is "Truth"
Every path teaches "Truth"
@YourFriend4ever Nope. Christ (God the Son) is the only way to God.

[image deleted]
XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
Please don't leave ma'am, you seem very sweet and you seem like a person who's struggling the same as me, with god, personal problems. I would like to get to know you more and be friends if you would like but plz don't quit <3
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@XxEllaxRawrxX Sure thing honey. I would love to help you with anything!
I'm like your elder sister. I'm sure i can learn a lot from you too!
XxEllaxRawrxX · 13-15
@YourFriend4ever As the oldest sibling of so many kids I need an elder sister lol 😭 Thank you grace <3
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@XxEllaxRawrxX aww sure❤️❤️❤️
Well, tell that to everyone on Facebook who uses their real name to identify themselves.

As long as you are careful, meet in a public place IE: Starbucks, or a place with a lot of people, then there's no problem.

I met my girlfriend online, and we lived together for the next 4 years.
Melissa501 · 36-40, F
Im right behind you.
Still here i thought you was leaving lol
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@nevergiveup came back as i was going insane
@YourFriend4ever Been there myself many times. You should stay you do good posts
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@nevergiveup Haha thank you sir.
Wonderful and inspiring thanks a million
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@userfawkes1105 I'm glad that it touched you and spread awareness.
Domking · 61-69, M
Wish you well - may you be Happy, Joyous and Free 💜
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@Domking Thank you so much Sir! Stay blessed.
oh. alright, then. have fun.
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Carazaa · F
Take care!🙏
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
God has no place on SW.
@SkeetSkeet God, or Gods, have no place anywhere other than in peoples minds (in my opnion). Plainly and simply not a believer
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@SkeetSkeet That is why such websites are full of darkness.
@YourFriend4ever Disagree but respect your opinion 👌
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
Have an awesome life, YF4E! God bless & May He continue to bless you on your journey.
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
@SamInAZ Thank you for your kind blessings, Sir!

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