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happy easter and spring to my sw buds... from my street...

enjoy your weather 🤗
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
Happy Easter

Can we trade weather? Tornadoes tomorrow and snow on Wednesday 😔
@LilPrincess Stay safe and warm
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@NativePortlander1970 will do my best. I was not expecting the snow again 😔
@LilPrincess No one ever does :(
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
Duuuuude, I've got a foot of snow on the ground right now with more falling, right now
@Neman1622 if you ever want chinese food there's no shortage of restaurants here. we litterally have hundreds in my town
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
@beermeplease Chinese food always leaves me hungry in 2 hours
@Neman1622 yeah me too...well the "western chinese" food does. but we have real authentic chinese...a lot of it i'm not to keen on. there's something about seeing a pigeon head on a platter that turns me off... or jelly fish...i rarely go to those restaurants...
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Damn it, I want spring!!!

We are supposed to be 20° by Tuesday, and then more freaking SNOW on Friday!!
@ImpeccablyImperfect ouch.... such a drastic can always go on a road trip after tuesday and head's not too far of a drive....or use air miles 😃
It rained all day.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Happy Easter!!
Looks like a nice street to live on.
@beermeplease Awesome, when neighbors get along that's what makes a true community, the way things used to be :) I really miss a good block party.
@NativePortlander1970 we be grilling and having a good time with our friends on here... we be having a good time 🤗
@beermeplease An SW block party would be fun, all of us home gourmets would have a feast set forth.

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