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Public Disclaimer

On the weekends..., I am not ever as available as my greenlight may suggest.
Most times I just click and look at notifications and then pop back off.
I will often leave reacting and/or replying until the late evenings, or even Monday or later.

It doesn't mean that I ignored you, or that I don't value whatever relationship we share.
It means I come to this place on my laptop not a phone.
It means that I have the site set to NOT send notifications to my device.
It means I am far from the type that sits here for hours on end every day.

I apologize to the 4 people that sent me messages this weekend because my light was on but I did not reply or react fast enough to something sent or posted.
But seriously..., it is what it is and people will need to accept that or find somebody else to converse with that has more time to dedicate to this site than I do.

Sorry for having to be this blunt about it all.
I do my best, and don't feel guilty at all for your perceptions.
I am who I am, and that's all I'll ever be.

No offense intended.
(but then again, I meant no offense before, and people always take offense anyways)

Be Well
Live Happy
Die Trying,
Each of us have lives. People should understand that. Time is short and we only have so much to commit to our friends here let alone strangers. Often it can take weeks to hear back from some. Sometimes longer. People are strange with their expectations. Thank you for your explanation and your friendship. Nearly done work. Off to Thanksgiving supper. Have a peaceful evening.
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@PoetryNEmotion I shall. I hope that you do as well.

My friendship is free and meaningful.
Restlessmama · 41-45, F
Family comes first.... I hardly put my green light on... I only have a handful of friends here you included.....People can't expect you to be here 24/7.... I got a boyfriend and 6 others that rely on me... Sometimes people get too clingy on these sites.... Their whole world revolves around this place so they expect everyone else's does too...

I’m usually showing as online coz I don’t close the SW window at times. My friends know that I don’t message them everyday, and that’s just how I am. They thankfully understand and don’t take it personally. Phew
I think some users forget that many of us are 'doing' Life in between being on here.
Sometimes we have time, sometimes we have only spare moments , and often no time at all.

Not to mention, personal messages take up more emotional focus.

There are times that im here, and although i respond to or make posts, i have no spare space in my head for PM's. Sometimes i just wanna keep it light and entertaining .
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@OogieBoogie One was a message that I needed more than 3 minutes to adequately reply to. 2 were replies to my replies that I didn't get right back to, and the other was a reply to one of my posts that got immediately buried and I never even saw it until today after reading the message to me....

SW isn't even close to being a full-fledged part of my existence.
It's more of a distraction if and when I have the time.

This weekend I was entertaining 4 children who slept over all weekend. My grandson and my 3 step-grandkids that all started calling me Puppa-Rob for the first times this weekend ! :D

I had a wonderful weekend and just can't bring myself to feel guilty about not being present enough here in the Land of Anonymous SWeeps, for everyone's liking or living up to unrealistic expectations.

I care about each of them but can only do so much at certain times.
If that's not good enough...,
Then I am not good enough.

I'm good with that.
@HikingMan it sounds like a wonderfully full, (and exhausting - in a good way), weekend .🤗

Never feel guilty for here.
Real life should nearly always take precedent. (Unless one is coming here for a bit of mental release or escapism).

And people shouldnt make you feel guilty for not being able to reply on time ....if at all.
(Not saying that they did, but it can get implied).

If you fall prey to making this place too important, you basically become the same as those who expect more from users here .
Its like a black hole, it can suck you in .

Its good you set your limits and explain them . Ive done the same on my profile . I set my standards very hard so as to make it clear to expect nothing from me .

Life gives us so many obligations, we dont need to make more for ourselves ....or to others. Especially online .
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am sorry you feel the need to make a post about this. I don’t expect anyone to reply to me. We all have lives outside of this place.

I am just grateful for when I do get a reply. I hope you had a lovely weekend 💖.
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@iamonfire696 I didn't need to. I just did.
I explained this to everyone today in private already.
At least 3 of them said they understood. So, it's all good.

This is more of me seeing something that could be detrimental to my time here and trying to be politely proactive for the future
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@HikingMan that makes sense. Hopefully those that you interact with are mindful of this.
Frankly, people need to be less demanding and entitled
HikingMan · 51-55, M
@SW-User You've always been too kind to me....

Not sure how you got so beautiful..., but you did and I'm glad.
@HikingMan well, I like to tell a story about being new to a website and unsure of myself, and somebody (can’t remember who 😜) putting a beautifully warm and welcoming poem on my whiteboard, making me feel like I was seen and that I was appreciated and belonged and somehow this gave me the confidence to be me

HikingMan · 51-55, M
@SW-User Some people on here seem to have wonderful timing at times.

If you ever remember who it was, let me know so that I can thank him....

Love ya !
Lilnonames · F
[image/video deleted]

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