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The Scotland football team

Well, that's them out of the World Cup. They were fortunate to get as far as they did; at best they are adequate.
I remember when Scotland produced world class footballers and played with spirit and fire. Now they are lacklustre.
It's a pity. I'd like to watch the old Scotland again.
As for England- my country?
Overrated and overhyped.
An average team, with occasional streaks when they become good.
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return2sender · 51-55, F
My son was inconsolable watching Scotland play. I think he's blinded by recent success and now he's back to reality
HarrietteSpeedy · 61-69, F
@return2sender It's a shame for the youngsters when the media raise expectations and the team can't rise to that level.
They have another game this Wednesday (I can't remember who against) but hopefully they can find a goal scorer and a decent defence.

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