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The opening ceremony of the 2022 qatar World Cup was beautiful and had a Meaningful message ⚽️❤️🇶🇦

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Milkshake · F
all the human righs and other terrible things aside....

holy shit was qatar bad at the actual game... such an embarassment for the county. thats the best you haver to represent you... hahahahahaha... shame
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
A British person talking about human rights is quite hypocritical.
Or are you talking about the “6500 workers dead “ which is a rumor ?
The fact you actually know the result of the game shows that no matter how much racism hatred etc you have for Qatar and the World Cup its hosting
It is currently the center of attention.
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 the world cup is an event people care ofr.. and its currently hold hostage by a nation that cant play soccer at all but bumbles around the field like a team of preschoolers...

if you dont care about the murdering you should at least care about the game. the whole world is laughing at qatars performance
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Exactly, so no matter how much u try ,
Qatar is still the center of the attention.
And yes they did a horrible play even the Qatari ppl are upset
Soccer is about losing and winning
I don’t get ur point 😂
However that doesn’t change the fact that
The opening ceremony, the organization , the architecture , the fun events , the safety of the country (which is statistically safer than uk france usa etc )
Is more than enough .

“ if you dont care about the murdering “
Western countries talking about murdering 😂 omg my stomach hurts so much.
Any ways the actual number of workers that died is 3.
The guardian did an “estimate “of “all “ the ppl that died in qatar for the last 12 years
They said nothing ab migrant workers actually dying bc of construction of if it’s the actual number
Ane the guardian themselves admitted it.
There is literally no reliable source that says 6500 workers actually died .
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 glad you are at least ashamed of your countries performance... and sure they are the center of attention. for year people will be making jokes and memes about that time they decided to play a worldcup in a desert fuill of racist people that will be known forever as the worst hosts of anything really
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
It’s not my country but I view it just like mine.
Let’s see if ur country wins the World Cup honey.
True true !
In the middle of an astonishing desert with developed buildings and surrounded by a beautiful clear sea😍
The only racist person here is you and it’s showing really bad no matter how much u try to hide it.
The Qatari folk and all the other Arabs are in the middle of qatar celebrating with ppl from all around the world happily while ur too broke to go.
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 you had not a single stadium before and you cant even play in the summer... you know a game that is played on grass... in summer...
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake there is something called air conditioned closed buildings where ppl can do sport lol
Idk if you ever heard of it.
the fact that qatar had no big stadiums before and now it does and very beautiful ones in such a short period of time it’s actually an achievement for them not an insult
And Qatar is a tiny country
Not comparable to the size of other gulf countries like Saudi Arabia
Hell not even comparable to the size of uae or Kuwait
So it’s an achievement for them
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 so good you agree that a worldcup a beloved event all around the world has no place in the private place of a backwards nation. qatar did that as a treat for their rich murder club. with stadiums they will never ever fill again and after this desaster noone else will want to hold any events in a slavery nation because their shame is the shame of fifa too in this case.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake what makes this funny is knowing ur British
Little research on ur history and government shouldn’t be hard. And you said it
Soccer is beloved by everyone
And ur the one dividing the world here.
ur throwing so much boogus claims with no support whatsoever😂
The reality is , the west and racist folk like ya hates watching the Middle East shine and develop lmfao.
What’s funnier half of the Uk income is from investment done by qatar and other gulf countries .
Half of the Uk is bought by gulf countries
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 you know what the funniest thing here is... i am not british. shows how little you know and how stuck up in your racsist little world you are. but yeah... whataboutism and playing the victim card... that all you have. you dont even try to face your crimes... and i am not talking crimes 50 years ago i am talkign crimes right now. such a dishonorable people
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Oh then forgive me
It’s cuz I saw a British post amongst yours
Now enlighten me ,
Where r u from ?
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 i am from the usa... and yeah.. if you read my posts you will propably see that i am not very proud of my countries history and you will not get me trying to justify it. and thats the point qataris sshould know and care for this shameful event... but they dont... they are like a whole people of flagwaving rednecks.
if this was an event done by a opressive goverment... hell yeah i would support the qatar people. but its not... its actualyl the qatar people that are this terrible and endulge in the slavery and their racist views trying to defend them.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake ur American ?
Ur making things worse 😂 my stomach hurts 🤣
I would have given u a chance but seeing how ur demonizing an entire Nation and people
Then I have no more to say to u
Im wasting my time
Don’t bother to reply cuz I surely won’t
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Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake I’m literally in my place
What r ya doing in in my post and on my account ?😂
Get off and don’t forget to pack ur racism with u
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 yeah you dont like criticizm... do you. haha thx for pointing that out
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake criticism from an American?
Sure let’s sit and criticize gulf government and urs all day 😂 it would be fire on fire.
The fact ur American makes this funny.
But unlike you, I don’t demonize all the people of America
But ur demonizing the entire population of Qatar which is the definition of racist
Any ways ,
I’m glad ur loving my place so much ur continuing to stay here
I guess you need to learn my place too cuz u seem to love it
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 funny how you claim this to be your place... just like the world cup hosts.. my place my rules eh after making a public post. thats just the attitude lol. you are such a racist prick you have to go thorugh all of history and cant even stay focus on the topic you post huh. shame on you
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Every country has rules
When a Qatari has go abroad he has to obediently follow their rules then leave .
And technically this is my comment section so it’s my place and it’s literally my post
No one is forcing u to be here yet ur the one constantly attacking not me.
And as far as I’m aware
Keep any sexual intercourse behind doors
And only drink outside the stadiums (which btw many European countries don’t allow alcohol in stadiums too)
Are you that barbaric u can’t follow these two simple rules ?
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 there are rules sure.. like dont treat on the grass... dont stab people.. but then there are disgusting medival habbits like forbidding homosexual affection in public or drinking beer or a woman running in a bikini.

so yeah you are barbaric you got that right
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Alcohol isn’t a good thing
So I don’t see why qatar promoting something healthy is bad:
Any ways , ur so ignorant that u don’t know that u actually can drink in Qatar.
You literally can drink just not in the stadiums which is for everyone’s safety.
There are literally countries in the west that don’t allow drinking in stadiums too
But bc ur racist ur only attacking qatar for it .
There is no such thing as forbidden homosexual affection in public in qatar 😂😂😂
However ,
ALL sexual display in public is not allowed
Including married straight couple
Get a grip and do it when ur in private.
It’s to respect everyones eye around you including kids.
Something might be okay in ur culture but not somewhere else
Middle East is a modest place
But bc ur racist and trying to enforce ur norms on everyone else this happens.
If you are swimming at a hotel or a resort, then a bikini is perfectly acceptable in qatar.
Any ways , in france they ban modest swimwear
Didn’t see u complaining ab that
We should ban all the world from hosting the World Cup what do you think ?
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 and more whataboutism... stop blaming other countries for what your country is fucking up. there is basic human rights and your country has no respect for them. at least have that bit of honor to admit those atrocities. but no... you desperately try to defend that barbarism... and that makes it so much more dishonorable. shame on those people.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake whatsbout is perfect when ur dealing with hypocrites
Cuz they forget where they’re living and what government is in control over their country.
The same ppl that invaded iraq illegally a decade ago and killed 2 million ppl is the same ppl rn taking control of ur country nothing changed.
And i literally refuted all ur lies that u made lmao
Basic human right is food which all countries said it is except Israel and usa some years ago in a un survey
Basic human right is education which countries like Qatar offer for free including university while ur ppl r drowning in student debt
Milkshake · F
@Moon3624 whatabout whatabout whatabout... do you have anything at all to say abotu qatar at all ?
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
@Milkshake ur country doesn’t have respect for human rights either
Considering ur far and recent past , ur present and probably even ur future if more and more Americans turn out racist like u.
The fact you demonized the entire population of Qatar without even going there or meeting them says enough