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Chicken Kamala Dodges the Al Smith Dinner

It seems Kamala Harris is so afraid of having to be spontaneous in public, she can’t talk without teleprompter so she’s skipping this year’s Al Smith dinner on Oct. 17.

She is a coward who lies constantly without any sense whatsoever.
Maybe her brain is damaged by drinking and smoking.
She’s such a disgusting person.

Does this sound normal?

Now she said we need to legalize weed.
After she put people in jail for weed then got on the breakfast club and laughed and said she smoked and inhaled back in the day when she magically listened to Tupac, Snoop Dogg around 1984-1986, whereas Tupac and Snoop Dogg did not release their debut albums until 1991 and 1993, respectively.

Why does this woman display such vile and hypocritical behavior?
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HobNoblin · 36-40, M
She turned to prostitution to get by. She couldn't have had much confidence.
Sarasmiles · 41-45
she did say that her values haven't changed!

Sleeping your way to the top normally implies sleeping with a number of men to get to the next step. Truly disgusting.
mindless · M
I think just about all us politicians and would be politicians are revolting
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M

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