Chicken Kamala Dodges the Al Smith DinnerIt seems Kamala Harris is so afraid of having to be spontaneous in public, she can’t talk without teleprompter so she’s skipping this year’s Al Smith dinner on Oct. 17. She is a coward who lies constantly without any sense whatsoever. Maybe her... See More » (2)
When am drunk I have a big attitude deal with it.Yes but no one will believe the opposite when I am not drunk. I have a 2 face only the person who knows me for real can understand, rest have to deal with me attitude lol. - I hope am not the only one like this
Did I do or say anything embarrassing on here last night? 😳😬I ended up getting very drunk on only a little bit of alcohol. My memory is slowly coming back and I want to hide under the duvet. Now I know why I shouldn’t go to parties 😭😭😭😳😳😳
I want to get drunk but I know I shouldn’tWish I bought some wine or light drink but I just have coors light