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I Love Smoking Cigarettes

I really think cigarettes are the best thing in this world my girl friend and I are very heavy smokers we have been ever from our teenage years and every day we seem to be smoking more and more we are both smoking almost 4 packs a day now and we both just love it so much my girlfriend has had her younger sister living with us for the last few months now she was a light smoker but now we have even turned her into a very heavy smoker and she just loves it so much like us now she has just turned 17 and she is a very proud heavy smoker who is already smoking just over 3 packs a day now as well smoking cigarettes is just the most relaxing thing in the world and it is totally legal which is fantastic we all smoke like a train in our house and we also all love the smell of the smoke which is just the best thing for all of us because every day our house gets filled with very thick smoke especially when all three of us are in the house all three of us always smell very smoky because we have always got thick smoke around us and we just love it and we really don't care about what other people think and we are not afraid to show that we are all very heavy smokers if you really love something why be afraid to show it to others
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I am sure you all are as excited about chemotherapy and Tracheostomies as you are about cigarrettes.
SWEATH · 41-45, M
When you start coughing and having breathing troubles, or (God Forbids) when cancer strikes smoking would never be the awesome legal thing to enjoy. 4 packs a day for such young people is really too much, even for adults!Have pity on your health guys. Coming from experience!
SoFine · 46-50, F
Then each time you buy a pack, write down how much you send in a day/week/year.
Then in a few years, don't complain that you have no money to buy a car or go on a holiday.
If you complain when you are 30-50 about not having money or the health to do things and get ahead.
Remember this post, it will come back and haunt you.
MrX2017 · 56-60, M
My father died when he was just 67 from inoperable tumors in his lungs due to smoking. He's been dead for three years and I miss him every day. I'm not
trying to lecture you, just felt the need to say that the damage doesn't go
coary987 · M
I take it your in USA young man because in UK pack off 20 is about 13 dollars
gregloa · 61-69, M
It will kill you. Every pac you smoke shortens your life. All tobacco should be banned
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
11 packs per day between the three of you...impressive

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