I Love Smoking Cigarettes PINNEDis there anyone on here that smoke chesterfield reds superkings and smoke more than a pack a day these cigarettes are just lovely
I Love Smoking Cigarettesis there anyone on here male or females that are heavy smokers and just love to chainsmoke a lot of cigarettes in their house and just love to compleatly fill their house with their exhaled cig smoke this can be very unhealthy for you but can also be... See More »
I Am Fascinated By Human BehaviorThe Meggyd Megan is just full of shit don't believe a word that she says ok
why did you block usto the MeggyD we both really trusted you and we were good friends with you so why an earth did you block us we would really like to know why if you dont tell us we will have you taken off here we have done it before just to let you know ok
I Love Smoking CigarettesI just love having my house full of cigarette smoke everyday by my girlfriend her yonger sister who is only 17 years old and myself we all just love it so much its the best smell in the world
I Love Smoking CigarettesDon't speak to this girl called Fidelious she is crazy I only asked her do u think smoking is very sexy and she just blocked me the crazy b as she is
I Love Smoking Womeni really think that more young girls should become heavy smokers girls have always been very sexy smokers
I Love Smoking CigarettesMy girlfriend and I are very heavy smokers and our house is always thick with smoke and the smoke always smells fantastic in there
I Just Love The Smell Of Heavy Cigarette Smoke On GirlsMy girlfriend has always been a very heavy smoker and she always smells very smoky all day long and I just love the smell of heavy smoke on her especially in her hair on her clothes and even on her skin I find it very very sexy I just love it and I... See More »
I Love Smoking CigarettesI really think cigarettes are the best thing in this world my girl friend and I are very heavy smokers we have been ever from our teenage years and every day we seem to be smoking more and more we are both smoking almost 4 packs a day now and we both... See More »