Last time when I smoked it was last month. I started drinking soda lnstead. I'm on soda now.
electropura · 36-40, M
@SW-User Soda isn't great, but hey, if it helps, who am I to argue? :)

@electropura true. It's the classic: creating an addiction to give up the other one😂 But I'm trying not to tho
katielass · F
It gets better. Be strong, you won't regret it.
electropura · 36-40, M
@katielass Thanks. :) I'm sure I won't!
katielass · F
@electropura I smoked for over 50 years (yes, I started pretty young) and I quit 10/6/2015 and the first year was so hard. I came so close to buying a pack but I knew if I did I'd better buy a carton. This year I've hardly even thought of a cigarette. I promise you'll be glad you quit, especially when you're older and you see what it's done to others.

May it gets easier for you!
electropura · 36-40, M
@SW-User Hope so. :)

@electropura x
CanadianGentleman1976 · 46-50, M
Then you just took your first step.
electropura · 36-40, M
@CanadianGentleman1976 Yes.:)
Ballora · 26-30, F
You're doing great!! Keep it up!!!
electropura · 36-40, M
@Ballora Thank you! :)
WildHeart · 41-45, F
Its hard to resist I know
electropura · 36-40, M
@WildHeart Definitely is. But I'll win.
WildHeart · 41-45, F
@electropura yes you can do it!