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I Think Marijuana Should Be Legalized

I think that Marijuana should be legalized but under totally different rules and regulations than it is now in some states.
It should only be bought in a drug store and no where else. You should have to be able to have a prescription from your doctor.
It is good to treat many different kinds of illnesses but for it to show up in little shops here and there no way. We are having a drug epidemic now but people who can actually benefit from it by all means they should be able to obtain it.
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I totally agree. And even as a recreational substance, it might be fine for *most* people... but is not safe for everyone. For people with latent schizophrenia or other psychoses, for example, marijuana is extremely dangerous, and smoking it is like a ticking time bomb (the bomb being a psychotic break, and worse). This doesn't happen often, but it does happen (I have a close family member it happened to). So... like any substance that's foreign to the human body, I believe it needs to be regulated, and doctors should probably be involved in the process by which someone gets permission to consume it. I have no idea what the best system would be.

Alcohol is only very loosely regulated, and causes HEAPS of health problems. Don't get me wrong... I like to drink... am not knocking it. But I also recognize what a destructive force it is in so many people's lives, as well as what a drain it is on the health care system and society & the economy as a whole. So, whatever happens with marijuana, it probably should not take the same route that was taken with alcohol. Just my 2 cents' worth.

And yes, primarily, it needs to be more broadly recognized as a substance that can treat the symptoms of people with certain chronic illnesses. It's a lifeline to so many, and has been for years (whether legally or not). Legally would be better of course. Also, let me just add that health care in the US costs TOO damned much. No one else in the world pays anywhere near that much for medical treatment. I mean, seriously??? COVID patients without insurance (and in some cases with, even) coming out of the ICU and being slapped with a US$30,000+ medical bill??? As if they didn't have enough problems already!!! Time to get out of the dark ages. Universal health care for all. It's a human right, and should be a top priority of every national government! Lol ok I'm done; rant over :-D
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
You have a good understanding of cannabis and how it can be helpful and harmful.
I live in Canada and it is now legal here. Legal 'pot' operations are licenced, regulated and inspected. Their products can only be sold to the public with that licence. The Provinces also sell pot through our Provincially regulated liquor outlets and both psychotropic (THC) pot and medicinal (CBA) pot can be purchased there.
As you say, using marijuana is not 'good' for everyone. It has harmful effects (many will contest this) and I can attest to it by what it did to my brother: When he was in his mid-teens, he and I used to smoke quite regularly. However, where I gave it up as it was causing me breathing problems, he did not. As he continued using it, I noticed that he changed in his abilities. Where he was one time artistic, creative and insightful, he became disorganized, uncaring of his well-being and he could not focus on a project to complete it. Over the years these attitudes and behaviors cost him many good paying jobs and he never did choose a career although he attempted many and qualified in them.
Kygirl · F
I don't need it. I don't have to have more than a Tylenol. I feel for people who do.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I never could rationalize the outlawing of marijuana when alcohol which is much more dangerous remains illegal. It also conflicts with the thought of freedom, who cares if I sit on my front porch stoned watching the cars go by. Remember get 5 drunks together and you will end up with a fight, 5 high together and you get a rock band.
KeanuChrist · 26-30, M
"You should have to be able to have a prescription from your doctor." How about just legalize it for everybody who's at least 18.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
It's legalized here. Something I'm quite happy about
lovebcups · 61-69, M
It,s all legal where i live thank god but now the goverment is turning it into a cash cow
Kygirl · F
The government messes up anything that they get their hands in.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@lovebcups So right you are - I agree with the idea that by controlling the sales through outlets is a proactive step to screen out adulterated products (such as it being cut with fentanyl and meth-amphetamine, but the price is very high in relation to the production costs. I think it would be just as effective if the Gov't. were to use the Canadian Food Inspection Agency carry out the inspections and strengthen that agency with more agents in the process.
CathyUK · 56-60, F
If there is a medical element that can be isolated and prescribed then fine, but that is different from people self medicating indiscriminately which is what seems to happen now. It is a potent drug and like any needs to be treated with caution.
Kygirl · F
This is always the case and it's so sad that people will misuse what is supposed to be a good thing they turn it into bad.
There are stores in my state which legally sell "hemp flower," which is better than some of the stuff I used to buy illegally. It has to contain under a certain amount of THC, which this does. It's very tasty and aromatic, and there's no prescription needed. I used it hardly ever at all. I can't remember the last time I did. But, that's how it is here. You can just go into a hemp shop and buy whatever you want - that or gummies. It comes with a disclaimer saying it contains under a specific amount, and is legal.
DogMan · 61-69, M
As a guy that has been smoking weed for just over 50 years, I did not want it to
be legalized. But now that is has been legal here in Nevada for a few years, I
changed my mind. It has not caused any problems that I see. I like the fact
that I can buy weed with a lower THC content. At 65 I only take one toke at
a time, and that is with a THC content around 14-16% My favorite thing to do
is take a toke and work out, not usually on cardio days, just weightlifting days.
VickeyH · 51-55, F
It's legalized here in Illinois already.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
I totally disagree as I see the damage it does long term
Especially people driving, and interacting with people
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Strictmichael75 I'm 65, and have been smoking weed for just over 50 years.

I am healthier than people half my age, I workout 6 days a week, and walk a minimum
of 5 miles per day. I guess it effects people different.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I agree with you if someone has a use for a plant that grows in nature that is their business. I feel the same way about broccoli.
yup , also by reading my post can you try to spread what i explained in all of them ? please , it can be very helpful
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Canada is going through this process as we speak. Was planned to be legalized in July of this year
Platoscave · F
An ancient flower who was sent here just to love us.
Seems like it's pushing my belief that way.
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
The problem is when driving ! It impairs the reflexes and creates accidents
@Strictmichael75 the police have simply testing for this, this could be sold to the public.
It is in Canada. Here hard drugs are illegal. That is the way it should be. We can grow a small amount on our properties even.
@Kygirl the war on drugs has been lost, it would be better to legalized all drugs, no profit for criminals then.
Kygirl · F
That has a lot of truth to it.
I think that sometimes we should give all the drugs to everyone who wants em and let them do their selves in. It's so sad and heart breaking but it would take the burden off of Society.
I have to ask myself what if it's one of my loved ones... 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Pfuzylogic · M
We legalized recreational use a few months ago in Ohio!
They are debating in Scotland to decriminalize drug possession,
Scotland has highest drug deaths in Europe.
Only thing that works for some people so I agree.
It sounds at least that you thought this through...
Hatt94 · 56-60, MVIP
Legalized in Canada last year.
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LoyalPervert · 31-35, M
I have messaged you
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Dino11 · M
I agree.👍️
melbeacher · 61-69, M
hi i agree, umm also do u believe in spankings
this post is soo old
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It used to be only available for medicinal use in my state. We were initially told that it would be compassionate to allow doctors to prescribe it for people suffering from nausea, pain and wasting due to terminal cancer and HIV. That was acceptable to voters, and so there was a foot in the door; the next thing, doctors were writing scripts for pain management due to injuries, than to sprains, then for depression and anxiety. And then “doctors” were offering script for anyone willing to pay. Legalizing it for recreational use in 2017 was merely a logical progression from where we were headed all along.

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